80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1067 good things are interrupted

Jiang Shixun smelled the sweet and greasy fragrance, and for some reason, he always felt a little irritable.

He glanced at the female subordinate sitting across from him, and suddenly felt that this person was quite good-looking and was very good at dressing up.

Most importantly, the ability is also very good.

He listened to the woman's work report, but he didn't realize that his eyes had been stuck to the woman, as if he was stuck by something.

The woman who was reporting looked at Jiang Shixun's obviously straight eyes, and her well-dressed face smiled even more charmingly.

It seems that she bet right, that thing really works!

Who knew that at this moment, the phone rang suddenly!

The sudden ringing of the bell instantly woke Jiang Shixun up and brought him back to his senses. He instinctively picked up the big brother to connect, and then he heard a familiar voice——

"Dad, where are you? I'm here to find you."

Hearing Jiang Zhiying's voice, Jiang Shixun felt his whole body loosen, as if some invisible shackles had suddenly disappeared.

He subconsciously said, "Where am I at the company? Didn't you have class? When are you going to come?"

He still misses his daughter very much, but unfortunately, since he was admitted to the university, he and his daughter have been far away from each other.

In the past, I had to go to school, and later I wanted to start a business and work. It was too busy.

It's just that he is busy himself, and his daughter is also a busy person, so busy all day long that she can't find anyone.

As a result, everyone is busy, and there is less time to get together.

It used to be better, but now Jiang Zhiying has transferred to No. 1 Middle School. She has to go to school every day for classes. She leaves early and returns late, so she doesn't have much time to rest.

No. 1 Middle School was far away from the Jiang family's old house. He couldn't bear his daughter to spend time on the road, so he promised her to move out and live near the school.

As a result, it is not easy for him to see his daughter, and he can only wait for the weekend when he is on vacation.

Jiang Shixun originally thought that he must accompany his daughter well on weekends. Who knew that Jiang Zhiying had only gone to school for one day, so she would call him today.

Of course he was eager to see Jiang Zhiying right away, but thinking that it was still time for class, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

At this time, why wasn't Jiang Zhiying in the classroom? Are you still looking for him?

Did something happen?

The more he thought about it, the more worried he was, and just as he was about to ask in detail, he suddenly saw the female subordinate sitting across from him.

So he waved his hand quickly: "You go out first, I'll make a call and I'll hear your report later."

The woman smiled stiffly, obviously reluctant.

Instead of going out immediately, she asked curiously, "Dong Jiang seems very happy, who is calling?"

This has been overstepped.

If it was normal, she would definitely not dare to be so presumptuous. But today, she felt that she could be a little more arrogant, just to test the effect of that thing and Jiang Shixun's attitude.

Who knows that Jiang Shixun's face sank directly: "This is not what you should ask, just do your job well, don't ask about the rest, go out!"

The woman's face changed greatly, and she looked at Jiang Shixun in disbelief.

Jiang Shixun became more and more displeased: "Is there anything else? Get out now! Don't let me say it a third time!"

The woman's eyes turned red, as if water light was flashing. She lowered her head and gritted her teeth hard: "Yes, I'll go out now."

Then stepped on high heels "da da da" and walked out.

Seeing her gone, Jiang Shixun was inexplicably relieved, and then continued to ask Jiang Zhiying, "Zhuzhu, are you still listening?"

Jiang Zhiying was already furious: "Dad, who was the woman just now?"

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