80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1075 Sudden rollover

"Of course I wasn't hurt."

As soon as Jiang Zhiying finished speaking, Jiang Shixun's eldest brother rang.

As soon as he connected, he heard someone on the phone ask: "Hello, hello, are you Jiang Zhiying's father?"

When Jiang Shixun heard this, he glanced at Jiang Zhiying subconsciously, and then admitted: "Yes, I am, who are you?"

"Hello, I'm the principal of Longjing No. 1 Middle School. My surname is Wang. That's it. I just heard that Jiang was kidnapped. It seems that he suffered a concussion. He is currently in the hospital."

Jiang Shixun's heart skipped a beat, and he almost lost his soul. He didn't calm down until he saw Jiang Zhiying not far away, and asked in a dry voice, "Which hospital is it?"

Principal Wang quickly said: "It's the city hospital. I just called the hospital and said that Jiang is still resting and is not in danger for the time being. However, she bumped her head and may have internal bleeding, so she needs to observe more. You'd better go to the hospital."

Jiang Shixun took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible: "I see, thank you Principal Wang, I'll go to the hospital in a moment. I still have something to do here, so I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, he immediately looked at Jiang Zhiying: "Principal Wang said you were in the hospital, what's going on?"

Jiang Zhiying: "..."

Oh, she has heard it.

"I pretended." Jiang Zhiying said the truth depressedly, "I made a doll substitute, which is almost like a blindfold, but there is a time limit."

She didn't tell Jiang Shixun and Tang Yulan about the doll, and she planned to use this to fool her in the future.

Who knew that Principal Wang had so many troubles, so he called Jiang Shixun directly!

Let her not explain it.

"You still have this ability!" Tang Yulan exclaimed, and couldn't help but be a little curious, "What does that doll stand-in look like? Does it look like it? It won't be discovered, right?"

"As long as the time limit is not exceeded, it shouldn't." Jiang Zhiying was speechless when she saw "I really want to see" written all over her face.

If I had known, she wouldn't have said it.

"That gambler's parents are specialized in touching porcelain, and he should have been ordered to kidnap me this time. Do you remember Feng Baozhi? There is a monster on her body.

The person who instructed the gambler this time should have something to do with the monster on Feng Baozhi. So I'm worried that the person will not give up and order the gambler's parents to come and touch porcelain with you.

He pretended to be injured and stayed in the hospital so that he could explain to the outside world. "

The world always likes to sympathize with the weak, and it is easy to hate the rich. If she didn't do anything wrong, there would definitely be a bunch of inexplicable people asking her to be generous and let the kidnapper go.

Now that she is injured, although the other party will definitely make trouble, they will not be too passive.

When Jiang Shixun and Tang Yulan heard the words, their faces became extremely ugly.

Although Jiang Zhiying just pretended to be injured, the two still felt very angry.

Obviously it wasn't their fault, Jiang Zhiying was the victim. But just because the kidnapper's parents liked to touch porcelain, Jiang Zhiying had to pretend to be injured and lie in the hospital.

What's the point of this?

More importantly, the monster on Feng Baozhi's body actually appeared again, and it was aimed at Jiang Zhiying!

Tang Yulan exploded with rage: "That monster again? What does it want to do? Why is it targeting you?"

"Probably not reconciled." Jiang Zhiying lowered her eyes, hiding the coldness in her eyes, "I'm worried that this person will not only attack me, but also arrange for someone to deal with the people around me."

When Tang Yulan and Jiang Shixun heard this, their faces became solemn.

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