80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1076 Evil art, scaring out the psychological shadow

Tang Yulan and Jiang Shixun are not stupid, they can naturally imagine how dangerous this time is.

In particular, they all have property and have so many people under their command.

There are so many places to start!

Jiang Shixun quickly thought of the key: "Do you know where that person is?"

Jiang Zhiying shook her head: "It's unclear for the time being, this person is probably trying to hide in the dark all the time. That woman surnamed Bai should also be the author of this person."

Afraid that the two would be worried, she quickly said, "But I have already found someone to investigate, and I won't let him hide forever!"

It's a big deal, she won't go to school first, and use her supernatural powers to search the entire Longjing City!

Since this person is targeting her, most of them are hiding in Longjing and will not be too far away.

Jiang Shixun quickly asked, "How can I find this person?"

He also thought that the person hiding in the dark is the key. As the saying goes, only a thousand days of being a thief, and no one thousand days of preventing a thief.

Because it is impossible to prevent.

Only by finding out the culprit, can those possible troubles be avoided.

Jiang Zhiying gritted her teeth and said, "This person has some ability. Just leave the matter of finding him to me. You are responsible for taking care of the people under your command to prevent anyone from doing bad things."

Jiang Shixun and Tang Yulan looked at each other with a deep sense of frustration in their hearts.

They also wanted to protect their daughter, but unfortunately compared with Jiang Zhiying, they seemed too useless.

They simply don't know what Jiang Shixun can do. Although they have learned some boxing skills over the years, they can still deal with ordinary people, but they can't deal with people with strange abilities.

What's more, the other party didn't know where to hide.

Jiang Zhiying could see that the two of them were not feeling well, and this sudden enemy obviously brought great pressure to them. Unfortunately, there is still something to be said.

She couldn't hide everyone in the space, so she could only find a way to make them stronger.

There seems to be a library of books in the Shennong space, and I don't know if there are any exercises that can make people practice. It's a pity that the space upgrade is too slow, and the library has been unable to open.

After she devoured 088 at the beginning, she gained a set of exercises, but unfortunately that set of exercises was obviously a kind of evil, and of course she couldn't let her family practice it.

Now this person hiding in the dark should be cultivating evil arts.

She has to find people out as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause a big mess sooner or later.

Jiang Zhiying thought for a while, and then told about the amulet, reminding Tang Yulan and Jiang Shixun to be careful.

Of course, she didn't say anything about the undead hidden in the amulet and the baby's phalanx, so as not to scare the two out of the psychological shadow.

Anyway, as long as they know this stuff is dangerous.

When the couple heard that there was such a strange and dangerous thing, their faces became even more ugly.

Jiang Shixun pondered for a moment, then said solemnly: "I will arrange for someone to check this amulet to see if anyone in the company uses it."

If there is such a person, he must be careful.

When Tang Yulan heard it, she quickly said, "I'll ask someone to ask too!"

Jiang Zhiying hurriedly reminded them: "Then you must be careful not to startle the snakes and let those people hide deeper."

Tang Yulan couldn't help but glared at her: "Don't worry, we've eaten more salt than you, and we know what to do, so we won't mess around!

You are still young, don't think about carrying everything by yourself, we are your parents, we should have protected you, so don't be rude! "

Jiang Shixun narrowed his eyes, his smile colder than ice and snow. Tang Yulan was right, now that someone dares to bully his daughter, how could he, as a father, do nothing and rely on his daughter for protection?

No matter who this person is, if he dares to plot against them like this, how can he make the other person feel better? He doesn't have those strange abilities, but he has brains!

He is not dead yet, if he wants to bully his daughter, first see if he agrees!

Soon he reminded again: "Zhuzhu, first check if anyone has touched this place."

Jiang Zhiying smiled and shook her head: "No, it's very clean here."

After speaking, she silently released her mental power.

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