80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1077 Discovery! under her nose

Spiritual power spread silently and quickly covered the entire store.

Jiang Zhiying was about to investigate carefully when she suddenly noticed a strange fluctuation!

Her face changed, and she quickly got up and walked out.

When Tang Yulan and Jiang Shixun saw this, they immediately guessed what she had found, and their expressions changed.

The two did not stop Jiang Zhiying, but just followed her closely.

Jiang Zhiying walked quickly ahead, and the two hurriedly followed. Only then did they realize that Jiang Zhiying's speed was so fast that they couldn't catch up!

Jiang Zhiying's face tensed.

She knew that Tang Yulan and Jiang Shixun were behind, but she couldn't care less about it.

After she spread out her mental power just now, she noticed a strange fluctuation, obviously someone moved! She must rush over immediately to see what the hell is going on!

Following the wave, she walked quickly to the hall and walked straight towards the corner of the hall.

It is a relatively secret corner. It is said to be hidden because there is a large leafy green radish there. The green radish is wrapped around a high green radish column and grows very lushly. The dark green leaves stretch out naturally. Blocks most of the sight.

And behind Luluo, there is also a dining table.

Although the location is a corner, it is by the window, not only has a good view, you can see the scenery outside the window, and the green radish blocks many sight lines in the hall, which is a good place to be relatively secretive.

If there are guests who pay attention to privacy and have not booked a private room, they will definitely like this place.

When Jiang Zhiying came over, a waitress was wiping the table, apparently someone had just eaten here.

Because Jiang Zhiying suddenly came over, her face was still a little ugly, the waiter was taken aback and looked at her nervously, but didn't dare to ask more.

Jiang Zhiying glanced quickly and asked her in a low voice, "Who was eating here just now? Do you have an impression?"

The waitress subconsciously glanced at Tang Yulan behind Jiang Zhiying and hesitated whether to say it or not.

Tang Yulan said quickly: "Do you have any impression of the guests who just sat here? Tell me everything you know."

The waitress naturally recognized Tang Yulan, so she said truthfully: "It's a lady, dressed very fashionably, wearing a burgundy woolen coat with a beige knitted skirt inside, and a very good figure.

By the way, she also wore a burgundy woolen hat with a slightly wide brim, and she also wore sunglasses and red lips. She should be a beautiful woman. "

When Jiang Zhiying heard this, she immediately turned around and rushed out.

After customers finish their meal, the waiter wipes the table clean.

So that person must not have gone far!

She wants to see who this woman is!

How dare you do it right under her nose!

When she came before, although she didn't pay attention to the people in the hall, her perception has always been keen. Even if she didn't go out to find it, once there was something bad in the hall, she would definitely find it immediately.

But when she came, she didn't notice anything strange in the hall, and it wasn't until she spread out her mental power just now that she discovered that thing.

It is very likely that the other party moved his hands and feet not long ago!

She had to get the woman out before the other party escaped!

As soon as Jiang Zhiying rushed out, Tang Yulan subconsciously wanted to chase, but was stopped by Jiang Shixun.

"Stop chasing, let Zhuzhu go."

Jiang Zhiying's speed is too fast, they will definitely not be able to catch up. It's better to stay here and find out what happened to the woman first.

He asked the waiter, "Is she alone? How long has she been sitting here? When did she leave?"

I'm here today, my brain is not enough, take a night off and continue tomorrow~

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