80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1102 Found you!

Emperor Tian paid off. After Jiang Zhiying spread out her mental power and searched in a carpet-like manner, she quickly found Xue Bingqing in the crowd.

Jiang Zhiying found out that this woman is quite good at dressing up!

Xue Bingqing wore a butterfly-shaped feather mask that could cover most of her face, perfectly covering all the injuries on her face.

She kept moving through the crowd, apparently looking for someone, and she hadn't found it yet.

Jiang Zhiying decided to wait and see what happened.

She sent a voice transmission to Xiao Rin: "I found her, how about you?"

"Yeah." Xiao Rin also transmitted the voice to the secret, but he used the power of space to wrap the voice and only transmit it to Jiang Zhiying.

Jiang Zhiying used her mental power to directly transmit her thoughts to Xiao Rin.

The two methods are different, but the effect is very similar.

"I'll look for the amulet seller."

While Jiang Zhiying locked Xue Bingqing, she used her mental power to start a carpet search in the bar.

Anyway, they're all here, so I can't just stare at Xue Bingqing.

This search really gave her a new discovery.

They really have everything in this bar. People who gamble, sell fans, and many others have lives on their bodies.

That's all, there are several people wearing that evil amulet.

It's a pity that these people are not like sellers.

Jiang Zhiying hesitated for a moment, looked at Xue Bingqing, and saw that she was still looking for someone like a fly, so she simply shot at the few people wearing the amulet.

Her devouring ability is very domineering, and when combined with mental power, it is almost invincible.

Even if she was to deal with several people at the same time, she was able to handle it with ease.

Everything happened too fast, the domineering mental power first wrapped the amulet, and then forcibly invaded the minds of several people and read their memories.

Sure enough, none of these people were sellers. The amulets in their hands were all bought from a mysterious person.

So Jiang Zhiying was no longer polite, and directly stripped all the evil spirits and evil energy on the amulet, and then each person devoured part of their vitality, leaving them empty first.

Of course, she wanted to leave the evil spirits to these people and let them suffer for themselves.

It's a pity that these people are different from Xue Bingqing.

Xue Bingqing, a woman, was only thinking about hooking up with Jiang Shixun and becoming Mrs. Jiang.

Even if she is affected by evil spirits, she can't do anything big.

These people are different, not only are they men, but they are also quite hostile. If evil spirits are left behind, once these people get out of control, they are likely to kill people directly!

Jiang Zhiying just wanted to teach them a lesson, but she didn't want to hurt the innocent.

So she directly stripped all the evil spirits, and devoured the vitality of this group of people by the way, so that this group of people would not experience harm to others.

After doing this, she also left marks on everyone, including those who gambled money, those who had wheat flour, and those who had lives on their bodies.

This is a peaceful society, different from the last days. So since she came here, she has been working hard to restrain herself and never swallow it casually.

However, ordinary people can't be swallowed, so these people don't need to be polite.

Exactly, it can also make them stop and stop.

Xiao Rin noticed her small movements, her eyes flashed, but she didn't say anything.

On the other hand, Xue Bingqing, who had no idea that he had been targeted, was anxious.

There was a problem with her amulet, and her nose was badly hurt. She had to find the mysterious person who sold the amulet as soon as possible.

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