Xue Bingqing was dying of anxiety.

Jin Dahai's hand was too heavy, her whole face was beaten into a pig's head, and she couldn't see anyone at all.

But there was a problem with the amulet and her nose was broken again, how could she dare to delay?

The doctor in the hospital said that her nose was badly injured, and even with cosmetic sutures, there would still be scars in the end.

How does this work?

But now that she is injured like this, it is not convenient for her to go abroad. She can only try the little cutie in the amulet for help first to see if there is any way.

But I don't want to, her little cutie has a problem!

How could Xue Bingqing not be in a hurry?

She asked for it at a high price, and it didn't take long to get it! Something went wrong so quickly, she had to find the mysterious person and find out what was going on!

Maybe that person could have a way to cure her nose and prevent her from scarring.

Xue Bingqing held this idea in her arms and couldn't even care about the injury on her nose. After she chose a mask to cover her face, she couldn't wait to come to the bar.

After being beaten by Jin Dahai, she was in pain all over her body. Fortunately, she still had strong painkillers brought back from abroad, otherwise she would be too painful to go out.

Xue Bingqing thought gloomily, and continued to shuttle through the crowd, hoping to find the mysterious person as soon as possible.

I don't want to have hands beside her always reaching out dishonestly and wiping oil on her.

Xue Bingqing was so angry, but she was a woman with a broken nose. How could she dare to make trouble in the bar? He could only grit his teeth silently.

She swears secretly that when she finds the mysterious man and makes Xiaokai recover, she will have to deal with those bastards!

Seeing that after searching for a long time, no one could be found, but it was already 7:30 in the evening. Xue Bingqing did not dare to search any further, and decided to go to the next bar to try his luck.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhiying hurriedly dragged Xiao Rin to follow.

After the two entered the bar, Xiao Rin used the power of space to open a barrier, so that other people in the bar could not help but ignore them.

So the two were in the bar, and no one came to ask for trouble.

They seemed to follow Xue Bingqing out of the bar casually, without attracting anyone's attention.

Even the two young people at the door didn't realize that it was them who just walked out.

Not long after the two followed Xue Bingqing into the next bar, several luxury cars suddenly ushered in at the door of the previous bar.

They were all black Bentleys that rushed over and parked neatly at the entrance of the bar, looking domineering and arrogant.

Soon the door opened, and a bodyguard in a black suit quickly stepped out of the car, opened the rear door respectfully, and bent over to welcome the people in the car to get off.

Immediately afterwards, a foot in brown crocodile leather shoes stretched out, then long legs in suit pants, and finally, a handsome young man got out of the car.

The brown woolen coat was open and draped over his shoulders, revealing the black suit and white shirt inside, with sunglasses on his face, a cigar in his mouth, his hair smeared with pomade and combed into a big back, reflecting the oily shine in the light.

He raised his chin with a sinister smile and walked towards the bar with a group of bodyguards in black.

Seeing the two young people at the door, he let out a sigh of relief and asked, "You guys are staying here, have you seen anything good tonight?"

The two young men looked at him excitedly.

The man on the left quickly nodded and said, "Yes, yes! Luo Sanshao, a girl just came here not long ago. She looks very punctual, and she looks like an Egyptian princess! It's a stunner at first sight!"

The writing is a bit slow, I will update two chapters first, and the next two chapters will be updated together later~

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