80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1104 Betrayed and targeted

Luo Sanshao was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Huh? There's still something like this? It seems that I'm lucky today. The girl you said is really pretty? Isn't she a vulgar fan again?"

The young man on the left quickly said: "Absolutely not! The little one has seen it carefully, it is definitely a stunner! If you meet Luo Sanshao, you will definitely like it!"

When it came to the end, he smiled wryly.

When Luo Sanshao heard the words, he was overjoyed, and quickly asked again, "Is that girl still inside?"

The young man nodded hurriedly: "It's there, it must be inside. The young man has been watching, but I haven't seen her come out."

Luo Sanshao was even more excited, and winked at the bodyguard: "Reward him!"

The bodyguard immediately took out a big reunion and handed it to the young man.

The young man quickly glanced at it and took it flatteringly: "Little I wish Luo Sanshao the banner to be victorious and the beauty to return!"

Luo Sanshao snorted arrogantly: "When this young master sees that girl later, if what you said is really good, this young master will definitely be rewarded.

But, if I let the young master find out that you are lying, then don't blame the young master for being rude to you. This young master's money is not so easy to get. "

The young man turned pale with fright, and soon flattered: "Luo Sanshao can rest assured, even if he has ten courage, he doesn't dare to lie to you!"

Luo Sanshao sneered, then glanced at the young man on the right who hesitated to speak: "Do you have something to say?"

The man shrank his neck in fright and even said "don't dare".

Luo Sanshao looked at his unpromising appearance, and instantly lost interest, and swaggered into the bar with a "bang".

The bodyguard behind him quickly followed.

When everyone went in, the young man on the right whispered: "A Cai, the girl you said came with the male companion, so tell Luo Sanshao that nothing will happen, right?"

Ah Cai rolled his eyes in disdain: "Ali, your courage is too small, what can happen? That man looks like a little white face, can he still compare to Luo Sanshao? You don't even think about it. What is Luo Sanshao's identity!"

Ali was still a little embarrassed: "Then in case they are not happy..."

Ah Cai gave him a warning look: "How is that possible? Wouldn't you be happy if it were you? Don't you look at how many people Luo Sanshao has brought! With so many bodyguards, are you afraid that you won't be able to get a beautiful girl? Just wait and see, Luo Sanshao will definitely be satisfied."

Seeing his ugly face, Ali didn't dare to say more, but secretly sympathized with Jiang Zhiying and Xiao Rin, feeling that they must be doomed this time.

I don't know at all, not long ago, the two of them had left the bar.


Jiang Zhiying and Xiao Rin had followed Xue Bingqing into the next bar, not knowing that they had been sold, and another Luo Sanshao was looking for Jiang Zhiying everywhere in the bar.

After arriving at the new bar, the two repeated their old tricks.

Xiao Rin used the power of space to isolate the noise in the bar and other people's attention, while Jiang Zhiying released her mental power to monitor Xue Bingqing while looking for evil spirits and amulets.

This bar is similar to the previous one. It also has a hidden casino, and some people are secretly selling fans.

In addition, Jiang Zhiying found a few people wearing amulets.

She used the same method to clean up people, and then stared at Xue Bingqing.

It's a pity that Xue Bingqing seems to have bad luck today. She searched around the bar like a flies, but still couldn't find anyone.

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