80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1111 I have to add money!

Xue Bingqing looked at the mysterious man with a colorful face in front of her with anticipation, hoping that he could help solve Jiang Zhiying.

As for the possibility that this person might not be Jiang Zhiying's opponent, she never thought about it.

If she thinks so, she is afraid that she will not be able to hold on at all.

Moreover, this master has a magical brand in his hand, and the little monster of the Jiang family definitely does not.

Therefore, this master must be more powerful!

Xue Bingqing kept cheering herself up, and then said, "The monster should have come from the water. I suspect she is a water ghost. After finding a substitute, she possessed a living person!"

The flower-faced man was already a little scared, but after hearing what she said, his heart sank again.

Then he asked the little ancestor in a panic: [Little ancestor, did you hear it? Water ghost! Can you solve it? 】

The little ancestor didn't panic this time, and his tone was quite arrogant: [I thought it was something, just a water ghost, it's nothing at all. 】

When it just heard it, it was also a little scared.

Later, I thought about it, no, it's also dead, everyone is the same, it still has a powerful owner, and that thing is definitely not as good as it!

So the courage grew again, and he became arrogant.

After all, he was not young when he died, and he was still a baby. Although he was different from normal children due to his living environment, his temperament was still very naive, and he was especially middle-aged.

Hearing what he said, the pounding heart instantly calmed down.

Then he picked it up, straightened his back involuntarily, and put on the air of an expert in front of Xue Bingqing: "It's just a mere water ghost, there's nothing to worry about. Do you remember where you met it?"

Xue Bingqing hesitated.

How does she know!

Although she had investigated the Jiang family, Jiang Zhiying only transferred to the First Middle School yesterday, so it would be strange for her to know.

But then she thought about it, if she directly said that she didn't know, wouldn't it make her useless?

So she said: "The monster will definitely not let me go, and please ask the master to save my life and remove the monster for the sky!"

The flower-faced man frowned.

Acting for the sky? What an international joke!

He continued to pose as a master: "I can save you, but your situation is very serious this time. The other party is a monster, and he is eyeing you, and he will definitely not give up. If I want to save you, I must fight that monster. , this is no small matter."

The implication is that you can help you, but you have to pay more!

Of course Xue Bingqing understood. When she thought of spending a lot of money, she felt the urge to vomit blood. But after thinking about it, when she becomes Mrs. Jiang, are you afraid of running out of money?

So he calmly said: "As long as the master is willing to help me, I will give the master this number when the matter is completed!"

She raised her index finger.

The handsome man's heart jumped, and he deliberately reported a big one: "One million?"

Xue Bingqing choked for a moment, as if swallowing a fly: "I said 100,000."

If she really became Mrs. Jiang, one million would indeed be available, but she couldn't bear it.

One million is not a small amount. If she quoted such a high price all of a sudden, when she wanted to help this master again in the future, the price must not be lower.

She's not that stupid yet, and she called the price up at the beginning.

The handsome man stared at her, his heart beating fast: "If it is 100,000, I can only give you another brand."

It was a lot of 100,000, but he just saw Xue Bingqing's reaction and suddenly felt that the price could be raised a little higher.

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