80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1112 Xue Bingqing makes a fool of himself in public

The drunk man on the side was shocked when he heard the offer from the two of you to come and go!

Come on, who are these two people?

It's a monster and a water ghost, and now it's still asking for 100,000,000, which is amazing!

Shouldn't you be bragging?

The drunk man looked at the man with the flower face, and his eyes hurt because of the dense patterns on his face, so he quickly turned to Xue Bing to clean his eyes.

Although Xue Bingqing was wearing a mask and couldn't see his face clearly, the butterfly-shaped feather mask was strangely beautiful, and it was more pleasing to the eye than the man with the colorful face.

Moreover, this woman seems to be a rich woman, and she actually pays 100,000 yuan when she opens her mouth!

The drunk man was disgracefully moved.

He quickly looked at Xue Bingqing from head to toe. Under the influence of alcohol, he couldn't help but start to ponder: He looks pretty good, why don't you try it with this rich woman? I just don't know what she looks like.

Thinking of this, his eyes drifted towards Xue Bingqing's chest involuntarily, thinking that this rich woman's figure is quite good, he seems to be able to!

Just don't know why you have to wear a mask to cover your face.

Is it too ugly?

That's all, ugly is ugly, anyway, it's the same when the lights are turned off!

He... the big deal, he will close his eyes then!

This man recently broke up with his girlfriend. The other party thought he was too poor to buy a house. He was so angry that he ran out to drink.

Now that he got drunk, he made a crooked idea and was about to try soft rice.

Who knew he was thinking about it when he suddenly saw the mask on Xue Bingqing's face fall off.

Then, a spotlight above Xue Bingqing's head suddenly lit up!

The light shone straight on Xue Bingqing, just to illuminate her embarrassed appearance.

So the drunk man was just shot in the eyes by the sudden light, and then he saw Xue Bingqing's bruised, red and swollen pig-headed face!


Xue Bingqing screamed in fright, and instinctively raised her hand to cover her face, but when she screamed, the pig-headed face became even more disgusting.

The drunk man looked at the distorted pig-headed face, his eyes widened with fright, and as soon as the alcohol came up, his stomach suddenly began to churn.



Xue Bingqing screamed wildly and wanted to hide her face.

She was so flustered, she tried to block her face with her hands, and then she tried to pick up the dropped mask, but she couldn't do either well.

The other people in the bar also looked at her involuntarily because of the lights that suddenly turned on and her shrill scream.

Countless sights made Xue Bingqing feel ashamed, and his heart collapsed more and more.

She sat embarrassedly in the booth, and seeing everyone was looking at her, she felt as if she had returned to that hell again, and those terrifying people looked at her like playthings.

And in order to survive, she had to put down all her self-esteem and try her best to please them.

She hated those days very much. Even if she escaped, she still often had nightmares, dreaming that she was still trapped in that hell, and kept running away from it, but she could never find an exit.

Now, that feeling of despair has come again.

Xue Bingqing kept screaming, suddenly stood up excitedly, and hurried out. She was like a frightened old deer who just wanted to escape from this terrible place, and didn't care about anything else.

After a rampage all the way, she finally escaped the bar successfully and rushed outside screaming.

The people in the bar looked at each other in dismay, and some looked at Xue Bingqing's escape direction with fear, and felt that they had encountered a lunatic.

The flower-faced man panicked.

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