80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1140 So she was completely blackened

Li Luna's mother's family was a laborer who was sold abroad many years ago. After she survived, she survived and reproduced from generation to generation. Because of her status as a laborer, she lived a very hard life. She was always at the bottom of the society, and she was always discriminated and bullied.

They do hard labor, get less than half the money of foreign workers, and are beaten and even robbed from time to time.

So forced by life, the good-looking men and women in the family gradually started a meat business.

Li Luna's biological mother is like this, but she is smarter and doesn't want to be a low-level call girl all the time, so she learns to hook up with rich people.

Later, she really succeeded in hooking up with one, although he was an old man, he was rich in his hands.

Even if the other party just wanted her to be a lover, she was still quite satisfied, and the days without worrying about food and clothing were much better than her past life.

But he didn't want to, it was soon discovered by the other's wife. It was a very vicious old woman. After she knew about it, she quickly began to take revenge.

Her revenge was also very simple. She directly found a group of beggars, and humiliated Li Luna's mother, recorded it, and took a lot of photos.

The videotape was then handed over to the old man along with the photo.

That person only saw the beauty of Li Luna's biological mother and treated her as a plaything. How could he be sincere?

After watching the videotape and photos, he only felt disgusted, and naturally he refused to keep raising the woman.

In this way, Li Luna's biological mother was kicked out and had to return to her original residence to recover from her injuries. She planned to find another one when her injuries healed.

Who knew that she had contracted a dirty disease and was pregnant.

I wanted to remove the child, but the doctor said that her body was not suitable. Once removed, she would lose her fertility in the future.

She also wanted to find a good man to marry. If she lost her fertility, how would she marry in the future?

So she could only give birth to this child.

Who knew that this child would be so ugly after birth! Not only did she fail to inherit her beauty, she was even inferior to ordinary people!

She is so ugly, it makes people feel sick at first glance.

Li Luna's biological mother disliked it so much that she secretly abandoned this ugly daughter in the church.

Fortunately, Li Luna's luck was not bad, she was sent to the church orphanage.

Just because of her ugly appearance and her skin color, she was always bullied in the orphanage, and all the other children called her ugly.

As she grew up, her heart became more and more distorted.

At the age of 14, she had a crush on a handsome boy in an orphanage, and after confessing to him, she was humiliated.

Later, she discovered that the teenager liked the beautiful girl who had been taking the lead in bullying her.

The two not only used words to humiliate her, but also beat her all over.

So she was completely blackened.

Knowing that she was not the opponent of the two, she began to stalk and peep secretly.

On the full moon night, she saw the two secretly hiding in the garden and doing good deeds, still laughing at her ugliness and self-control.

She was angry and sad, and hated her ugly appearance even more.

Just when she clenched the handle of the knife and wanted to rush out to kill the two, she suddenly heard a gentle sigh.

It was the god who redeemed her.

The gods said that the reason why she was born ugly was actually due to a curse.

This curse cannot be broken, but there are other ways to make her beautiful.

Li Luna was immediately moved.

The laborers in the past were really miserable. Of course, this is just made up in the book. When the braided dynasty was in the middle, many laborers were tricked into beautiful countries to build railways. They worked more and earned less. They were also bullied, and many died. There were also six Chinese laborers on the Titanic, who lived in the lower cabins. In the end, some of them survived. They were also slandered by the foreign media at the time, saying that they had robbed a lifeboat or something. Someone investigated the events of the year and even made a movie, if you are interested, you can check it out.

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