80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1141 On the road of no return

Jiang Zhiying not only saw Li Luna's memory, but also heard the sigh in her memory.

As soon as she heard it, she knew that that person was Li Luna's later master.

Moreover, his voice was clearly instructed, with a strong deceitful power.

Not to mention that Li Luna was completely blackened by stimulation at that time, even if she was not seriously blackened at the time, she would have been bewitched to the point of being bewitched.

The sorcery that that person taught her, one was transforming, the other was picking-up, and what was picked-up was the vitality and luck of the other party.

However, before practicing sorcery, Li Luna first had to carve his own totem on her body. Only in this way could she be able to obtain the blessings of power given to her by men.

In Jiang Zhiying's view, the so-called totem is actually a contract, even a slave contract.

However, after Li Luna carved a totem on her body, she did possess the power bestowed by that person.

He called it "witch power".

However, Jiang Zhiying had already checked Li Luna's body, and there was only a strong evil spirit on her body.

In short, Li Luna has been blessed with the power of men since that adventure.

Then, she couldn't wait to get down on her rival.

The sorcery of transformation, as long as she drinks the blood of the other party, she can change into that person's appearance.

And the more blood, the longer it lasts.

So Li Luna unceremoniously invited the beautiful girl to the grove to get blood, used magic to transform into the other party's appearance, and then disposed of the corpse, and changed her identity in such a grand manner, dating the handsome young man she once had a crush on.

Because of the change of identity, she has the beauty and love she once longed for, she gradually indulges in this illusory love, and even wants to stay with each other.

Until a month later on the night of the full moon, when she and the boy were doing good deeds, they suddenly changed back to their original appearance, and the boy was so frightened that he screamed madly on the spot, and almost strangled her!

Only then did Li Luna wake up completely and kill the boy in horror.

At that time, someone heard the scream of the teenager, and when they rushed over, they happened to see her murderous appearance. She couldn't stay in the orphanage and could only flee in a panic.

After two days of hiding outside, she saw her wanted notice.

So he changed his body in a hurry, and since then he has completely embarked on this road of no return.

Later, she also used magic to find her biological mother who abandoned her.

At that time, her biological mother had already married an old man with some assets by means of means, and gave birth to a son and a daughter, and the family of four lived happily.

Li Luna was so jealous that she wanted to kill her biological mother's family to avenge her ruthlessness.

In order to beg for mercy, her mother shared her past experiences, hoping that Li Luna would forgive them.

Li Luna refused.

At that time, she had already become a murderous demon without blinking an eye. How could she forgive them because of a few beggings from her biological mother?

So she played a cruel game in front of her biological mother, making them kill each other, and said that in the end only one person could survive.

In the end, it was her brother who survived, but she did not let him go as promised.

After they died, Li Luna found her biological mother's family, as well as the old man who took care of her mother, and took revenge one by one.

In the process of revenge, she completely fell in love with the game of cat and mouse, and people became more crazy and cruel.

When the revenge was over, she was completely released and began to look for prey like a hunter.

Beautiful women and handsome men are all her goals.

This time when she came to Long Country, she set her sights on a beautiful half-breed.

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