80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1142 This is really embarrassing

The mixed-race child that Li Luna is eyeing is not only beautiful, but also has a good background.

Her ancestors were also from the Dragon Kingdom, and they were also big capitalists. Later, in order to escape the war, the family sold their property and moved abroad.

Although abroad, because of their different skin colors, they are not as easy to mix as when they are in China.

But at least they avoided the war, and the family started a company, and the days were not too difficult, but the business was not as big as before.

Later, the mixed-race father married a beautiful foreign woman and gave birth to a pair of beautiful children.

Who knew that the little girl grew up smoothly to 18 years old, and was still dreaming of becoming a big star in the entertainment industry, so she was targeted by Li Luna, a vicious female lunatic.

In the end, this poor beautiful girl was naturally murdered by Li Luna.

After Li Luna successfully transformed into her appearance, she replaced her identity and came to the Dragon Country as an exchange student.

This is a bit of a hassle.

Li Luna used her mixed-race identity and was an exchange student again. Now that she is dead, she is in a state of disappearance.

With her identity, if she disappears or even dies in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom will not be able to explain it.

Gotta figure out a way to fool it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhiying continued to look at Li Luna's other memories.

Unfortunately, there are not many memories of her mysterious master, and it is obvious that he has already been manipulated by that person.

The more this is the case, the more Jiang Zhiying is sure that the person is in a bad situation now.

If he is really strong enough, why do he keep it mysterious, for fear that people will know his information?

It's a pity that she has limited understanding of the situation now, and her strength is not strong enough. Even if the other party is in a bad situation, she doesn't dare to take the risk to find that person to settle accounts, and she has to wait.

Jiang Zhiying read all of Li Luna's memories. She read it very carefully and did not dare to let go of any details, so she spent a lot of time on it.

It wasn't until Xiao Rin suddenly appeared and took out the food box that she realized that she was hungry.

Looking at the time, it was already noon!

Jiang Zhiying was a little annoyed, she was so busy that she even forgot to eat, it was really inappropriate!

To make matters worse, she actually spent all the good time in the morning looking at Li Luna's messy memories, which was really disgusting to her!

It's not enough to not look at it, she has to find out the clues, so she can only rummage in Li Luna's memory.

Well now, time wasted, I didn't find many clues, but saw a pile of colored scraps.

No, she has to destroy those bad memories as soon as possible, she must not keep disgusting herself!

Jiang Zhiying resolutely destroyed those useless waste memories. Who knew that when she looked up, Xiao Rin was staring at her.

At that moment, she didn't even bother to analyze Xiao Rin's eyes, she just felt nervous and embarrassed——

Xiao Rin must have noticed something, right?

This is so embarrassing!

She didn't want Xiao Rin to know what she just watched!

What if Xiao Rin thought she was a pervert!

"Cough," Jiang Zhiying coughed awkwardly, and quickly began to perform!

She stared at Xiao Rin with her beautiful eyes, and her mouth was blowing rainbow farts: "Xiao Rin, you are so kind! I'm starving to death, so you brought me food! What a friend!"

Xiao Rin: "..."

Don't think he doesn't know, when he came just now, this girl was obviously thinking about something.

Really can dress up!

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