80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1147 The baby in the space beads

Jiang Shixun and Jiang Zhiying didn't stay for a long time after talking. He has too many things to do now, and he is often too busy to leave. If he wasn't worried about the mastermind behind the scenes this time, and he was afraid that Jiang Zhiying would go the wrong way, he would not have rushed come over.

Knowing that Jiang Zhiying didn't kill Bai Qiang, and that the behind-the-scenes trick was solved, Jiang Shixun left Jiang Zhiying's house with confidence and went back to work.

As soon as he left, Jiang Zhiying immediately entered the space and began to study the induction jade talisman.

Although Li Luna has resolved it, and the master behind her will not come to the Dragon Kingdom for the time being, Jiang Zhiying still does not dare to take it lightly.

She threatened the other party, but that person might not be honest, she couldn't control the other party, and she couldn't pin her hopes on the other party's "kindness", so she could only make complete preparations first, lest the family be tricked.

This time Bai Qiang's incident can be regarded as a reminder to her that although the peace talisman can keep her safe, she will also be sensitive to evil spirits. But if the concentration of evil energy is too low, the safety charm may not be sensed.

This is not a good thing.

So this time, she plans to study it carefully to see if she can develop a jade talisman specially designed to sense evil qi.

It's a pity that after reading the memory in her mind over and over several times, she couldn't find this kind of induction rune.

It's just that she doesn't have a complete inheritance in this regard. The runes she currently knows are all learned from 088. When he devoured 088, his strength was far inferior to what he is now, so he devoured it in a hurry, failing to obtain 088's complete memory.

Now that something happens, I can only catch blind.

Jiang Zhiying scratched her hair dejectedly, and couldn't help but think of the man's words that he wanted to accept her as a disciple, and she was a little moved.

But soon she woke up and pinched herself hard.

"It's really crazy to believe that kind of person! I'm not afraid of being swallowed alive by others!"

Jiang Zhiying scolded herself and took out another jewel.

As soon as this bead is taken out, it will shine brightly, emitting a gleaming treasure, which makes people know that it is a good thing at a glance.

Jiang Zhiying looked at it with burning eyes, and felt a miracle in her heart.

It was the space bead she got after swallowing 088. According to 088's memory, there was not only a large space in it, but also all his collections.

If she can open this space bead, she might be able to find the complete talisman inheritance inside.

The problem is, she hasn't been able to open the bead yet.

088 could not be opened at the beginning.

Because the level of this space bead is relatively high, it requires higher strength to be able to open it.

It was for this reason that 088 couldn't open the space bead after being seriously injured, and took out the treasure inside to practice and heal. He could only fool Feng Baozhi and plunder the air to heal.

In the end, it fell into Jiang Zhiying's hands.

Even the Space Orb he finally got his hands on was in Jiang Zhiying's hands.

It's a pity that this bead couldn't be opened all the time. Every time Jiang Zhiying saw it, she was only jealous.

"Hey." Jiang Zhiying sighed regretfully, "I originally wanted to wait, but now I can only take risks."

In the past, she wanted to wait for her strength to rise, then open this space bead and get the contents inside.

It's a pity that the dangerous man is eyeing on the other side of the ocean, maybe he will kill him one day, how can she still have time to wait?

Jiang Zhiying didn't know how long it would take that person to solve his own troubles. She didn't dare to gamble anyway, so she could only think of a solution from this bead.

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