80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1148 Jiang Zhiying started doing things again

Jiang Zhiying looked at the space beads several times before carefully putting them away.

She has a plan, but now is not the time.

When she returns from the vulture country, she will solve this space bead!

She checked the time, it was only two o'clock in the afternoon, and it wasn't evening yet, so she changed her clothes and went straight out to Li Luna's villa.

As she guessed, Li Luna has been living in a high-end villa area since she came to Longjing. However, the villa she lived in was not her own, but she had hooked up with a big boss and cheated from the other party.

These days, she has been living in that luxuriously decorated villa. In addition to going to the school to find prey, she usually develops downlines like Guo Kai to help her sell amulets.

Jiang Zhiying also knew from Li Luna's memory that the big boss Li Luna hooked up with was not only rich, but also quite old.

So Li Luna actually disliked him very much, and specially bewitched him, not letting him come to the villa to disturb him.

Jiang Zhiying went to the villa this time for business purposes.

Since she wants to let "Li Luna" leave Longjing, of course she has to do her best to avoid suspicion.

So when she got outside, she dressed up as Li Luna with a disguise, and went to the villa where Li Luna lived.

First, I used Li Luna's phone to call the airport and booked a flight to Vulture Country tonight.

Then put on gloves and packed up Li Luna's salute.

Li Luna has a lot of clothes, and the cloakroom of the villa is almost filled by her, which is really amazing.

Jiang Zhiying deliberately didn't pack everything, and only packed the suitcases that Li Luna often wears and stuffed them into the suitcase, creating the illusion that Li Luna just returned to China and will come back in the future.

After packing up the suitcase, she dragged the suitcase and left the villa in an open and fair manner.

On the way, I also met the residents of the villa, but when those people saw her, their eyes were not quite right. Women are hostile to her, while men are mostly obsessed.

Wearing sunglasses, Jiang Zhiying rolled her eyes and left without saying hello.

She didn't want to be so daring, so she stopped her and asked, "Miss Luna, where are you going with your suitcase?"

Jiang Zhiying said with a look of disgust: "This place is too backward. I wanted to buy some beautiful clothes and jewelry, but I couldn't find any of them after shopping for a long time. I had to go back to the vulture country to buy them, otherwise I wouldn't be able to go out."

When the man heard it, his face was a little unsightly.

But he still smiled: "The domestic development is relatively late, and it can't compare with the Vulture Country, but it's not that bad, Miss Luna is too demanding."

Jiang Zhiying sneered disdainfully, her white eyes almost flying into the sky: "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry!"

"Yes, yes, please." The man smiled dryly and moved out of the way, "I wish you a smooth journey."

Jiang Zhiying immediately dragged her suitcase and left.

When she was far away, the man immediately rolled his eyes and said "Bah": "What the heck! What about the people from the Vulture Kingdom? It's not like an old man's pet! What are you pretending to be!"

Jiang Zhiying "saw" his reaction, and hooked her lips in satisfaction.

Of course she said that on purpose just now.

But she didn't slander Li Luna, Li Luna really thought so.

Even the beautiful half-breed that Li Luna replaced, the impression of Long Guo remained on the dirty and poor, so it was not a smear of her.

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