After Jiang Zhiying dragged her suitcase out of the villa area, she called a car.

After getting off the bus, she immediately found a place where no one was around, put the suitcase in the space, and the person changed.

The plane was at night, and for the rest of the time, she didn't plan to continue to pretend to be Li Luna.

So she went back to her home near the school, went into the space and made a bunch of pills, then collected vegetables and grains in the space and replanted them.

After the busy work, I left the space, and it was almost 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

The main reason was that the villa where Li Luna lived was quite far away. Jiang Zhiying didn't use the teleportation talisman, nor did Xiao Rin take her to teleport. It took a lot of time just on the way.

It took some more time to pack up in the villa.

So time flies fast.

At six o'clock, Xiao Rin came to deliver the meal on time.

After Jiang Zhiying finished dinner, she told him that she had already booked a flight ticket.

She booked the first class cabin, which not only more in line with Li Luna's personality, but also made the flight attendants on the plane more impressed with her.

After all, the first-class cabin on the plane is just that location, the price is still expensive, there are very few people willing to sit, and the service is better.

The flight attendant must have been particularly impressed.

Anyway, what she spent was Li Luna's money, so she didn't feel bad at all.

After listening to Xiao Rin, she asked her, "Do you want to see the old couple of the Liu family before leaving?"

Jiang Zhiying nodded: "Deal with them first, we can't keep their bad things."

Xiao Rin was not surprised by this.

It's only March and it's getting dark early.

Just after seven o'clock, it started to get dark.

Jiang Zhiying waited until eight o'clock in the evening before letting Xiao Rin take her to the detention center.

Xiao Rin did not object.

The lights didn't turn off at eight o'clock in the evening, but the old couple of the Liu family were quite old, and the people in the detention center were worried about their accident, so they not only took special care of them, they arranged a separate cell, and did not let them have too much contact with other people.

When Jiang Zhiying and Xiao Rin passed by, the couple were already in the cell.

Xiao Rin used the power of space to hide, and directly transported Jiang Zhiying to the cell, and then waited for Jiang Zhiying to do it.

Jiang Zhiying shot quickly.

She didn't swallow the vitality of the two, after all, both of them are old, and there is not much vitality. If part of it is swallowed up, it is really possible to die in the detention center.

If such a thing really happened, many people in the detention center would have to take responsibility.

Of course Jiang Zhiying couldn't harm anyone.

So she directly used her mental power to leave spiritual hints to the two of them, and gave them a one-month nightmare package. Then she pulled Xiao Rin's hand and signaled that he could leave.

Xiao Rin nodded, and without looking at the old couple who were complaining to each other, he directly pulled Jiang Zhiying out of the detention center.

After coming out of the detention center, the two went to the airport.

Jiang Zhiying found a place where no one was around, and once again used the disguise technique to dress up as Li Luna was before. Then, wearing sunglasses, dragging her suitcase, and stepping on high heels, she walked proudly into the airport.

Xiao Rin followed her invisibly.

When Jiang Zhiying got the ticket and got on the plane, Xiao Rin sat next to her.

This time, Jiang Zhiying flew back to the Vulture Country as Li Luna, so Xiao Rin couldn't follow him openly, so he could only follow secretly.

After flying for more than ten hours, the plane finally arrived at the airport of the vulture country.

After the two got off the plane, Jiang Zhiying immediately went to the largest and most luxurious shopping mall nearby!

It was already daytime, and Jiang Zhiying was wearing high fashion, sunglasses, flaming red lips, and stiletto heels.

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