80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1157 The ghost lingers

When Xiao Rin learned that Jiang Zhiying was going home, she immediately said to drive her.

Jiang Zhiying only hesitated for less than a second before agreeing.

She thought about it, since she had decided to take down Xiao Rin, of course she had to strike while the iron was hot, how could he let this half-cooked duck fly away from her mouth?

"You wait for me to change and leave." Jiang Zhiying said very naturally, and asked Xiao Rin, "Your car is coming over?"

Xiao Rin nodded: "I specially left a car here."

There are still three months before the college entrance examination. Jiang Zhiying has to live here during this time. Of course, he must be fully prepared.

Sure enough, Jiang Zhiying's eyes lit up when she heard this: "That's good, you return the food box first, and I'll change clothes right away."

When she got dressed and came out, she saw Xiao Rin sitting on the sofa waiting for her, the dining table had been cleaned up, and the food box on it was gone.

fast enough.

Jiang Zhiying slandered secretly, but she was more and more satisfied with Xiao Rin's space ability.

She just said, Xiao Rin's space ability is really useful!

It's a pity that this is not the end of the world. It is not easy to improve Xiao Rin's ability, and she still has to rely on her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhiying immediately became full of confidence in herself.

She took a small bag and raised her chin towards Xiao Rin: "I've packed it up, let's go."

Although there is room, she can't always conjure things out of thin air when she is outside, so she still needs a small bag to cover it up.

Xiao Rin got up immediately and followed Jiang Zhiying out.

When they go to other places, they can teleport secretly, but they can't do it when they go home, and they can only go back by car.

The place where Jiang Zhiying lives is a little far from the Jiang family's old house, but fortunately Xiao Rin has prepared a car and can drive back.

The car was parked in the underground garage. When the two took the elevator down, they went directly to the underground garage on the negative floor and got into the car.

Jiang Zhiying sat in the co-pilot, looked at Xiao Rin who was driving seriously, and suddenly felt that the more she saw it, the more pleasing to the eye.

Maybe it's because of a different mood. She used to regard Xiao Rin as her nemesis, but then she reluctantly became a friend, but she still had some estrangement in her heart.

Now suddenly it's different.

After all, she is now Xiao Rin's nominal girlfriend.

Although it is only in name, maybe one day it will come true?

Anyway, she was reluctant to take advantage of others, so she might as well take advantage of herself.

Jiang Zhiying thought carefully, and couldn't help but glance at Xiao Rin again.

Xiao Rin, who was driving, was seen as uncomfortable by her, and felt a little regretful in her heart.

He was worried that Jiang Zhiying would be too protective of him, and that a direct confession would scare her, so he came up with a compromise.

Who knows... this girl seems to be different from what he thought.

Xiao Rin's heart skipped a beat, excited and annoyed at the same time. Seeing that the red light in front of him was on, he stopped the car naturally, intending to take the opportunity to see what Jiang Zhiying was thinking.

Who knew that when he turned his head, he saw that Jiang Zhiying had already turned around and was staring out the window, completely ignoring him!

Xiao Rin was a little depressed, and quickly looked out the window to see what caught Jiang Zhiying's attention.

I didn't want to, but I saw Jiang Zhiying staring at a black luxury nanny car outside.

He was suddenly a little unhappy, and when the space ability moved, he immediately "see" the situation in the nanny car.

Seeing that there was a handsome and stylishly dressed young man inside, Xiao Rin was even more unhappy.

He asked Jiang Zhiying, "What are you looking at?"

Jiang Zhiying turned her head with a sneer on her face: "It's really haunted!"

She actually sensed the familiar evil spirit again.

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