80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1158 Problematic male star

Xiao Rin's face changed: "The ghost is still there? Is there something wrong with the person in that car?"

Jiang Zhiying looked at the car coldly. At this moment, the red light turned green, and the car started immediately and drove towards the distance.

Xiao Rin asked her, "Do you want to chase?"

Jiang Zhiying shook her head: "No, just stare first."

In fact, Xiao Rin didn't really want to chase her now. First, it was easy to startle the snake, and secondly, he and Jiang Zhiying had just established a relationship, and he was going to send her home soon, so he didn't want to chase a man at such a time.

He thought for a while and said, "I've written down the license plate number, so I'll let someone check it."

"Well, please excuse me."

Jiang Zhiying replied softly, her face not very good-looking.

When she dealt with Li Luna before, she guessed that Li Luna was just the beginning, and this matter was not over yet, the master behind her must be more than a pawn.

But to meet a man with evil spirits so soon, it really made her a little irritable.

In particular, her Shennong space had a problem not long ago.

She was upset about this, and she met the other person again. It's no wonder that her face is good!

However, the man in the car just now looked familiar and seemed to be a star. Really need to look into this. Maybe you can pull out the radish and bring out the mud, and find a series of them.

"Between you and me, there is no need to talk about trouble." Xiao Rin continued to drive the car and said righteously, "Besides, you are my girlfriend now, so I should help you do this."

Jiang Zhiying glanced at him, and her mood suddenly improved a lot.

She was not mistaken, Xiao Rin is getting more and more virtuous now. Such a good man, she should not be cheap to others.

The two talked all the way, and unknowingly arrived at the Jiang's old house.

Today's Jiang's old house looks much more imposing than when it was just brought back.

When the house was just taken back, it was already ruined. Although the Jiang family was distressed, they were still very sensitive at that time, and everyone was very poor. Even if they had money, they would not dare to make a big splash.

I can only simply clean and smear away the smoke marks on the walls.

Later, Jiang Shixun went to study abroad, Jiang Zhiying went to find him, secretly earned a lot of money in the vulture country, and tried every means to send the money to Jiang Shixun, and the life of the Jiang family was better.

However, Jiang Fuguo and Shen Wanqing have been on the farm for many years, and they have long developed a cautious temperament. Even if Jiang Shixun sent money back from abroad, he did not dare to spend it, because he was afraid that someone would be jealous and report them again, suspecting Jiang Shixun of treason.

Therefore, it was not until Jiang Shixun returned from studying abroad and made a lot of money by running an electrical appliance factory that the old house of the Jiang family officially began to be repaired.

Especially in recent years, the market has become more and more open, more and more people have made money, and many people's life has become better.

The Jiang family's renovation of the house is not so eye-catching.

Jiang Shixun found someone to replace all the walls with new ones, but they used specially-sourced blue bricks, which were the same as the original ones, so the rebuilt walls were both stylish and beautiful, with a unique classical charm.

The rest of the Jiang family are naturally very satisfied with this, especially Jiang Fuguo and Shen Wanqing. The renovated old house is almost exactly the same as the old house of the Jiang family, which makes them feel like they were young again, just like traveling back in time. General in the past.

Fortunately, there is a fence blocking it, and outsiders can't see the situation in the yard, otherwise they would have to be jealous.

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