80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1159 Go to the pharmacy to find someone

Xiao Rin parked the car outside the gate of Jiang's house and got out of the car with Jiang Zhiying.

Jiang Zhiying walked over briskly, opened the door with the key, and turned back to invite Xiao Rin: "Come in."

Xiao Rin looked at the smile on her face, her mood also soared, and followed her into the door.

Who knows that after entering, there is actually no one inside.

It seems everyone else is out, not at home.

Jiang Zhiying was a little disappointed: "Really, no one is there, I knew I would never come back."

Xiao Rin thought it was a little funny, and Jiang Zhiying only showed her childish side every time she returned to Jiang's house.

As a result, Jiang Zhiying turned around and walked out: "Forget it, don't wait, I'll go to the pharmacy to see."

Xiao Rin quickly followed her.

The Jiang family used to open a pharmacy and business of medicinal materials. Later, the shop became state-run, and something happened to the Jiang family. Naturally, it was impossible for the pharmacy to reopen.

However, after the system was relaxed a few years ago, Jiang Fuguo reopened the pharmacy.

In his words, this is a business handed down by the ancestors of the Jiang family, and it cannot be broken in his hands.

Pharmacies mainly sell traditional Chinese medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines, in addition to some western medicines.

It happened that after Lu Changlin returned from studying abroad, he was engaged in the research and development and production of western medicines. He also set up a pharmaceutical factory in China, and the western medicines produced were very effective.

It is sold in Jiang's pharmacy, but you don't have to worry about smashing the sign of Jiang's pharmacy.

The pharmacy is not far from the Jiang's old house. The shop was bought directly. It covers an area of ​​more than 500 square meters and is built into a two-story building. The interior decoration is very classical and looks very stylish.

As soon as Jiang Zhiying and Xiao Rin walked into the pharmacy, the clerk recognized them and greeted them warmly: "Miss Zhuzhu, Young Master Xiao, are you here to find the boss?"

Jiang Zhiying nodded: "Where's my grandfather?"

The clerk immediately said: "The boss should be drinking tea in the office at the moment, you can just go in directly."

"Okay, we'll go over by ourselves later, you can go to work."

Jiang Zhiying said casually, and at the same time calmly released her mental power and checked the entire pharmacy.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the entire pharmacy, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, she was worried about Tang Yulan and Jiang Shixun, but she forgot about the pharmacy at home.

The pharmacies sell all Chinese herbal medicines and western medicines, which are related to human life! If someone moves hands and feet, that's bad!

Fortunately, she was quick enough to catch the scourge of Li Luna right away. Otherwise, if Li Luna continues to hide, she will definitely attack the Jiang family's pharmacy.

At that time, Jiang Fuguo, as the boss, is afraid that he will have to go in for tea!

Jiang Zhiying was secretly startled for a moment before taking Xiao Rin to find Jiang Fuguo.

They have been to this place more than once, and they are very familiar with it. They know that Jiang Fuguo's office is on the second floor.

Sure enough, after going up, he saw Jiang Fuguo sitting on the official hat chair reading a newspaper with a tea set in front of him.

The entire office is decorated in a classical style, and the furniture is all huanghuali. The sun shines in from the window, and the office is filled with the faint fragrance of tea and the faint fragrance of orchids.

It's really admirable to have these little days.

When Jiang Fuguo heard the door open, he raised his head subconsciously. After seeing Jiang Zhiying and Xiao Rin, he immediately stood up excitedly: "Zhuzhu, why are you here?"

Just after asking, he suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly sank: "Why don't you have classes at school at this time?"

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