80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1161 Who is taking advantage?

Xiao Rin smiled confidently, and said neither humble nor arrogant: "Thank you grandpa for the point, I know this, and I won't be bullied."

Jiang Fuguo saw that he always looked like he was holding the victory, he couldn't help but squeezed his fist, not only wanted to beat him, but also admired Xiao Rin's excellence.

However, it is impossible to beat him. How can his old bones be the opponent of Xiao Rin, a wolf cub?

So he cleared his throat and invited the two to sit down: "Come and sit, what's it like standing there?"

When Jiang Zhiying heard the words, she immediately pulled Xiao Rin over and took the opportunity to eat some tofu.

Jiang Fuguo was so mad that he wanted to knock her out when he saw her proud look of taking advantage of it!

He didn't understand, isn't Jiang Zhiying usually very smart? Why are you acting like a fool at this time? She is also giggling! Who is eating whose tofu, lol!

But how could he have the heart to knock on Jiang Zhiying, the delicate granddaughter?

He was so angry that he glared at Xiao Rin, the culprit: "What's wrong with the stinky boy, he actually learned to be a vixen!" Also come to hook up with my granddaughter!

Xiao Rin noticed his dissatisfied eyes, and immediately met his gaze, smiling like a handsome fox, so angry that Jiang Fuguo almost threw him a teacup!

At this time, Jiang Zhiying, who ate tofu secretly, finally noticed Jiang Fuguo's abnormality.

Seeing Jiang Fuguo staring at Xiao Rin with angry eyes, she couldn't help gloating. However, thinking of her own plan, she immediately defended Xiao Rin: "Grandpa, why are you staring at Xiao Rin? He didn't say anything wrong."

Jiang Fuguo is so angry!

He rolled his eyes and stared at Jiang Zhiying with hatred for being iron-clad. He wanted to ask something, but he couldn't ask in front of Xiao Rin, so he made an excuse to push him away: "I'm a little hungry, Xiao Rin, You go to Yipinxian to buy some food for me."

When Jiang Zhiying heard this, she wanted to refute: "Grandpa, it's only after eight o'clock in the morning. It's not long after you finished breakfast, so you're hungry? Be careful that you won't digest it if you eat too much."

Jiang Fuguo glared at her again in anger: "I have no appetite in the morning, so I can't eat too little? And you, how can you talk? Even your own grandfather is cursed!"

Really pissed him off!

This stinky girl is still underage, and her elbows are turned out!

Even if Xiao Rin is a good boy, there is no need to maintain it like this!

Don't you just let him buy something to eat? If this thing can't be done well, what's the use of this kid?

Xiao Rin was afraid that he would be angry, so he quickly smoothed out: "Grandpa, don't be angry, I'll go to Yipinxian to buy you something to eat."

After speaking, she said hello to Jiang Zhiying, "Zhuzhu, I'll go out for a while and be back soon."

Seeing him striding out, Jiang Zhiying looked at Jiang Fuguo suspiciously: "Grandpa, are you really hungry?"

Jiang Fuguo snorted heavily: "You still know how to ask!"

He glared at Jiang Zhiying with a stern expression, "What's the matter with you and Xiao Rin? What did you just drag him for? You're not children anymore, men and women don't understand!"

Jiang Zhiying blinked and said as a matter of course, "But I'm his girlfriend now."

"You—" Jiang Fuguo's eyes widened instantly, "When did this happen? You're not even an adult! I won't agree to this!"

"It's already March, and I'll be 18 years old in two months." Jiang Zhiying disagreed, "Besides, we didn't do anything, just held hands. And Xiao Rin is not bad, if I don't Set him down early, those wild bees and butterflies can swallow him alive!"

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