80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1162 Run away when you get into trouble

Jiang Zhiying said it as a matter of course, and Jiang Fuguo was so angry that she wanted to see what kind of mess was in her mind!

Otherwise, a good girl, why do you think so strangely!

Just a wolf cub like Xiao Rin, who could swallow him alive?

What a silly girl!

Even though she was about to be devoured by Xiao Rin, a wolf cub, she thought she had taken advantage of it!

The more Jiang Fuguo thought about it, the more angry he became, but looking at Jiaodidi's precious granddaughter, he really couldn't say anything serious, he could only scolded Xiao Rin and Jiang Shixun in his heart!

He scolded Xiao Rin because this kid was too cunning to lie to his innocent little granddaughter.

As for Jiang Shixun...how on earth did this bastard become an old man? Even his daughters were taken away by the wolf cubs, and he didn't even know it!

a useless thing!

Really pissed him off!

Jiang Fuguo cursed in his heart, but he was still full of anger, so he could not wait to call Jiang Shixun immediately.

But looking at the "stupid" Jiang Zhiying, he still tried his best to endure it, and said angrily: "You are still in the third year of high school, and you are about to take the college entrance examination. You should focus on your studies, and don't patronize other things. .

Also, you are not yet 18 years old, you are not allowed to mess around, do you know? If that kid dares to take advantage of you, don't be polite to him, just beat him up! "

Jiang Fuguo said a lot, which made Jiang Zhiying's head go big.

She regretted coming to the pharmacy again, so after Jiang Fuguo finished speaking, she immediately said, "I know Grandpa, you are busy, I will go back and make the papers, so I won't bother you!"

Hurry up when you're done.

Jiang Fuguo wanted to stop her, but he opened his mouth and gave up.

No, he can't be this villain, let Jiang Shixun's bastard persuade him!

Jiang Fuguo thought witly, picked up the phone decisively, and called Jiang Shixun.

On the other side, Kang Se-hoon is inspecting the factory.

The previous incident also reminded him. Although Jiang Zhiying said that the people behind the scenes had already solved it, he could see that Jiang Zhiying had reservations.

So he was extra vigilant and decided to go to the factory to take a look when he was free, so that the people below would not pay enough attention to safety issues and cause safety accidents.

He carried a briefcase with Big Brother in it. As soon as the phone rang, he picked it up immediately: "Hello? Who are you looking for?"

As soon as Jiang Fuguo heard his voice, his anger instantly rose to a height of three feet: "Zhuzhu was coaxed by that kid from the Xiao family, do you know that?"

Jiang Shixun only felt that his brain was hit by a heavy hammer, and the whole person was stunned: "That kid from the Xiao family? You mean Xiao Rin? What's wrong with him?"

In fact, he had already guessed what Jiang Fuguo meant, but he was a little reluctant to believe it.

Jiang Fuguo listened to his words and saw that he still didn't understand anything, and became even more angry: "What else can you do? Are you stupid? You can't even understand people's words?

Zhuzhu has talked to that kid! What do you think your father is like? Such a big thing happened, you don't know it! "

Jiang Shixun was scolded so much that his skull was almost thrown off, and his face sank suddenly: "I really don't know about this. Dad, don't worry, I'll go to them and ask them what's going on!"

Xiao Rin is too arrogant, how can she seduce Zhuzhu at such a time? Is now the time to talk about objects? The college entrance exam is coming soon!

What is he trying to do?


Jiang Shixun was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

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