80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1184 Evil spirit on the body

Pretty words don't cost money. If Xiao Wenying had just woken up, her voice was hoarse, and her head was still a little dizzy, she would be able to say a load of beautiful words.

Jiang Zhiying knew that she was being polite and didn't take it to heart. Xiao Wenying had just woken up after all. She probably didn't know anything at the moment, so how could she be sincere?

But Jiang Zhiying didn't care, anyway, Xiao Wenying would know about it later.

She poured a glass of warm water for Xiao Wenying and handed it to her: "Auntie, drink some water first."

Xiao Wenying glanced at her gratefully and drank a glass of water. She had just woken up, her throat was almost smoking, and now she had a glass of water and felt a lot better.

Jiang Zhiying poured her another cup, and after she had finished drinking and lay down again, she said again: "To be honest, I followed a master and learned a little bit. When I saw my aunt at the scene of the car accident, I realized that Auntie has evil spirits around her."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Wenying and Meng Xiao were stunned.

Evil? WTF? Why doesn't it sound right?

Jiang Zhiying didn't care when she saw that both mother and son were not in a state. She continued: "I saw that my aunt was being plotted, so I first helped my aunt to get rid of the evil spirits.

It's just that the aunt has been attacked by evil for a period of time, and a lot of vitality has been swallowed up, resulting in damage to body organs.

So next, my aunt should take more medicine to recuperate her body and make up for the lost vitality. Otherwise, my aunt's body has been so weak and easy to get sick. "

Everyone knows that when the body is weak, the resistance is poor, and once the resistance is not good, it is easy to get sick.

As far as HIV is concerned, it is actually a problem with the body's immune system, which can lead to a small cold, which may kill a person.

Xiao Wenying and Meng Xiao both went to high school, so naturally they are not fools. When the mother and son heard Jiang Zhiying's words, their faces became extremely ugly.

It's just that Xiao Wenying is an adult after all, and she doesn't know Jiang Zhiying, so she is somewhat guarded.

Meng Xiao is different.

Although he had only known Jiang Zhiying not long ago, Xiao Wenying had a sudden accident and lay unconscious on the hospital bed. He had already regarded Jiang Zhiying as a life-saving straw.

After that, Jiang Zhiying helped him fight Meng Aijun and Wang Qiuyu. Although he didn't say anything, he was very grateful for Jiang Zhiying's righteous words and got closer to her.

In addition, he just saw Jiang Zhiying wake up Xiao Wenying with medicine not long ago, and he is even more convinced of Jiang Zhiying's ability.

So when he heard Jiang Zhiying's words at this time, even if he thought it was a bit bizarre, he still believed it instinctively.

Meng Xiao recalled the changes in Xiao Wenying these days, and quickly became excited: "I just said that my mother is getting more and more wrong, it turned out that she was killed!

Classmate Jiang, it was Wang Qiuyu who harmed my mother, right? Was there something wrong with the necklace you took out earlier? "

Xiao Wenying was shocked: "What necklace?"

Meng Xiao immediately said excitedly: "Wang Qiuyu came here before, and I told her to go, but she refused to go. Later, classmate Jiang came and took a pink necklace and asked her if she knew her, and she suddenly ran away. It must have been heartbroken!"

When Xiao Wenying heard this, her face became ugly.

She had long discovered that the relationship between Meng Aijun and Wang Qiuyu was abnormal, so she made a lot of trouble with Meng Aijun and was full of hostility towards Wang Qiuyu.

Where do you think...

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