80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1185 Her body is confused

Thinking of Wang Qiuyu's woman, Xiao Wenying's expression was a little distorted.

She asked Meng Xiao with an ugly face: "Did your dad come just now? What about others? Went with Wang Qiuyu?"

Meng Xiao nodded, and then hesitantly said, "Mom, why don't you divorce him. You are still young, so there is no need to hang him on that crooked neck tree."

These days, because Meng Aijun and Wang Qiuyu are getting closer and closer, Xiao Wenying has been making trouble at home, and even more and more hysterical.

Meng Xiao has seen it many times, and he has long had a shadow in his heart, and even wished that Xiao Wenying and Meng Aijun divorced, so as not to continue to torture.

It's just that every time he mentioned this before, Xiao Wenying became very excited.

So after speaking this time, he immediately regretted it, for fear that Xiao Wenying would become hysterical again.

He looked at Xiao Wenying nervously, who knew that she was not as crazy as before, but sneered mockingly: "You are right, I really shouldn't hang on his crooked neck tree!"

Meng Xiao was stunned, and asked her in disbelief, "Mom, have you really figured it out?"

Xiao Wenying looked at him, her eyes becoming complicated: "Axiao, do you really want me to divorce him? If we do leave, who are you going to marry?"

Meng Xiao said quickly, "Mom, I just don't want you to torture yourself any more. If you get divorced, of course I'll follow you. Anyway, I'm an adult. You can find another good one in the future."

Xiao Wenying's eyes flashed, she took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let me think about this, I won't let them go!"

She is not a soft persimmon. If they get divorced, Meng Aijun and Wang Qiuyu will never have a better time!

Having said that, she remembered something again, looked at Jiang Zhiying and asked, "Student Jiang, is the evil spirit you just said true? Is there something wrong with that necklace?"

Jiang Zhiying took out the pink necklace and asked them, "Have you heard of the Siamese amulet?"

Xiao Wenying and Meng Xiao were both stunned.

"Amulet of Siam?" Xiao Wenying whispered softly, with a complicated expression, "I'm in business, so naturally I've heard of this, and I've heard that someone specially invited..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly reacted and asked in horror: "Student Jiang, do you want to say that Wang Qiuyu has an amulet in his hand? Or is it... that kind of evil?"

Jiang Zhiying said lightly: "It's definitely not a serious amulet, as for how she got it, I don't know.

A few days ago, I encountered someone selling this evil amulet. The one I have now, which was seized at that time, has been cleaned up by me. "

When Xiao Wenying and Meng Xiao heard her words, their expressions became very complicated.

Seeing that both of them looked at the necklace in her hand, Jiang Zhiying hurriedly said: "This thing is very evil. The evil energy on it will entangle people and devour people's vitality. You'd better not take risks, otherwise Life is at stake."

Xiao Wenying and Meng Xiao suddenly shivered, not daring to look at the sign in Jiang Zhiying's hand again.

After a while, Meng Xiao suddenly asked, "Student Jiang, since this brand is not a good thing, what will happen to her surnamed Wang...?"

Jiang Zhiying raised her lips mockingly: "Of course she won't have a good outcome. Do you remember what I said before? I didn't wrong her, her aura was chaotic, obviously she was influenced by that thing, and she searched a lot to save her life. man."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Wenying and Meng Xiao's expressions instantly became strange.

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