80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1322 Who did it? stand out!

Jiang Zhiying's remarks were very rude. Although she spoke with a smile on her face and her tone was not sharp, every word she said was like a heavy hammer, slamming Fang Lin and Fang Lin. on everyone present.

These students of Longjing University are inevitably a bit high-minded. Although they thought Fang Lin was a little hypocritical before, they didn't think there was anything wrong with what Fang Lin said before.

They only felt uncomfortable when they found out that Fang Lin was not as great as she said.

It was not until they heard Jiang Zhiying's words that they realized that they had thought wrong.

It turned out that what Fang Lin said did not make sense.

Yes, although it is good to support scientific research, why can you say that opening a restaurant is not good? Is it possible that when you have money, you can only support scientific research, and can't do anything else?

How can there be such a reason?

Moreover, opening a restaurant and paying taxes is indeed contributing to the country and society.

What's more, the taste of Yipinxian is so good, and there are all kinds of medicated meals for the body, how can it be said that it has not contributed?

When people think of this, their hearts become more and more uncomfortable.

They all know that they just thought wrong, but who is willing to stand up and admit their shallowness?

On the contrary, Zheng Bairong applauded loudly and said loudly, "Sister-in-law is so right! Who is not contributing to the country and society? Why can't it be enough to open a restaurant?

Fang Lin, you are still a college student, so you can't engage in class discrimination and make ideological mistakes. What age is this, and people are still labelled as capitalists.

According to what you say, you are dressed in such extravagant fashion, is it possible that you are the eldest lady of the old society? Certainly not. "

Fang Lin was so angry that her face was crooked, and she stared at Zheng Borong with fiery eyes.

She wanted to stare at Jiang Zhiying, but Xiao Rin was sitting next to Jiang Zhiying, and when she stared, Xiao Rin would definitely find out.

So I can only go to Zheng Borong.

Zheng Borong demolished her platform several times, and Fang Lin was already dissatisfied with him.

Fang Lin stared at Zheng Borong fiercely, but Zheng Borong was not afraid of her at all.

It's just a woman, what's he to be afraid of?

Could it be that Fang Lin could stab him with a knife for such a trivial matter?

Certainly not.

But after all, it was a birthday party, and Zheng Borong didn't want to be too stiff, so he said with a hilarious smile, "Fang Lin, don't stare at me, I'm not wrong. Come, come and eat."

He said, picking up the chopsticks and going to pick up the dishes.

As a result, I was dumbfounded when I saw the dishes on the table.

What about the dishes?

How is it that they are almost eaten? who did it? stand out!

Zheng Borong looked at everyone speechlessly, and many people buried their heads in guilt, not embarrassed to look at him.

This dish was so delicious that they couldn't stop eating it just now, how could they have eaten the dish accidentally.

Zheng Borong saw their reaction, what else could he not understand?

But what can he do, so that people can't spit it out?

Had to ring the bell to call the waiter, and re-ordered several dishes.

After all, there are more than 20 people, and most of them are young men, and one table of dishes is really not enough for them.

While waiting for the dishes, Zheng Borong first greeted people to solve the rest of the dishes. After all, the taste is very good, and it can't be wasted.

When they finished eating the dishes on the plate, the waiter came in again and said that the newly ordered dishes were ready and came to collect the plate.

Soon the plates were taken away, and new dishes were placed again.

The waiter was about to go out with a tray, when everyone suddenly heard a scream of "ah" from outside.

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