80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1323 Come to touch porcelain

Yipinxian's private room is soundproof, because the waiter was about to go out and the private room door was open, and then everyone heard screams from outside.

Jiang Zhiying changed her face the first time, pulled out her chair and strode out.

Everyone just felt that a flower was in front of them, and she was already outside.

Zheng Borong couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and exclaimed in his mouth, "Damn, has my sister-in-law practiced? This is too fast!"

After speaking, he subconsciously looked at Xiao Rin, but where is Xiao Rin still there? He had already gone out with Jiang Zhiying!

Zheng Borong looked at the empty chair and asked the people around him puzzled: "Where's Brother Lin? When did he leave? Did you see it?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, but they saw it, but Xiao Rin and Jiang Zhiying were too fast, and they still couldn't react a bit!

Seeing that no one answered, Zheng Borong rolled his eyes and said, "I'll go out and have a look!"

There must be something wrong outside, he's going to have a look!

At this time, Jiang Zhiying and Xiao Rin had already arrived at the place where the accident happened.

The accident happened in the private room next to them, but all the people in the private room ran out and were stuck in the corridor crying.

Jiang Zhiying took a closer look and found that the accident was an old man who was lying on the ground with a face full of pain, and he was still vomiting blood from his mouth.

Others kept crying, saying that Yipinxian had eaten something bad, suspecting that he was poisoned.

Not only were they noisy, they also ran to knock on the doors of other private rooms and called out the guests in those private rooms, telling them not to eat and be careful of poison.

Jiang Zhiying watched coldly, her face getting colder and colder.

She has already checked the old man's body with her mental power. Where is the poisoning? It is clearly advanced gastric cancer!

With such a condition, he couldn't eat a lot of things at all, but he just ate a lot, and even drank alcohol, which seriously irritated his dilapidated stomach. If he didn't vomit blood, who would vomit blood?

Seeing that more and more guests were called out, blocked in the corridor, and looked at all this with an ugly face, Jiang Zhiying couldn't bear it any longer.

She snorted coldly: "Don't cry!"

This time, the voice was wrapped in mental coercion, as if there was an explosion in the ears of everyone, and the people who were still crying and grabbing the ground immediately stopped crying.

They didn't know why they couldn't stop crying, so they could only stare at Jiang Zhiying dumbfoundedly.

Jiang Zhiying spoke again, and directly scolded the crying group: "This old man has had stomach cancer, he has stomach cancer, don't you know? Now that you know, why do you want him to drink and eat so many dishes? , stimulate his condition?"

Those people were so dumbfounded by her that it took a long time for a middle-aged woman to say unconvincingly, "What stomach cancer? You... you can't talk nonsense? How can my father-in-law have stomach cancer?"

Jiang Zhiying saw her twinkling eyes, what else did she not understand?

These people definitely knew that the old man had stomach cancer. They brought him to Yipinxian for dinner this time, and deliberately called out all the guests in the private room. They clearly wanted to make a big mess, destroy their Yipinxian business, and corrupt money by the way!

If this old man died in front of everyone at Yipinxian, wouldn't these people feel like they should die?

How will Yipinxian do business in the future?

Jiang Zhiying said again: "You just said that he was poisoned? Then I want to ask, where is the poison? Was it in the vegetables or in the wine? If the wine and vegetables are poisonous, why is he the only one who was poisoned? And are you all fine?"

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