80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1326 Unexpected joy

The diners surrounded Jiang Zhiying for no other reason, they just wanted to ask her about the life-saving medicine just now.

They all saw that when 120 pulled the old man away, the old man was still alive!

Although it was not clear whether the life-saving medicine Jiang Zhiying gave to the old man worked or not, he was well prepared.

What if it really works? Then who will they ask?

Jiang Zhiying was reluctant to say more. With so many people present, they really wanted to let them ask questions. Who knows when these people will ask?

"I have already told the police what I should say. Although that medicine can save lives, it is not always useful, and it depends on the situation.

The man just now was too old, and the efficacy of the medicine may be limited. I hope he can survive.

Don't ask me, the medicine was bought at Huichuntang, and its name is Huichundan. If you need it, you can go to Huichuntang and ask, don't ask me again. "

Jiang Zhiying's words also used mental power, so after she finished speaking, everyone else was dumbfounded and stopped chasing after her.

Jiang Zhiying took the opportunity to drag Xiao Rin back to the private room, who knew that just after returning, Zheng Borong asked curiously: "Sister-in-law, does that medicine really work? Can it save my life? You can't survive after being injected with rat medicine, right?"

He was quite familiar with Xiao Rin, so Jiang Zhiying's remarks just now had little effect on him.

Jiang Zhiying, however, would not be foolish enough to give him the right words, she still said ambiguous: "Whether he can survive or not depends on his fate, how can I know?

A life-saving medicine is not a magical medicine, how could it be possible to use one medicine to save all the dead? It's not about writing novels and making TV shows. "

Zheng Borong thought the same thing. Seeing that Jiang Zhiying didn't mean to say more, he didn't dare to ask any more, but silently wrote it down in his heart, and planned to go to Huichuntang tomorrow to ask about Chundan this time.

There are also elderly people in his family. If Chundan can really save his life this time, then he must find a way to buy some and send it back!

If he doesn't ask, the others are even more embarrassed to ask more.

They all ran out to watch the fun just now, and the dishes on the table were not finished. It's a pity that the food is cold when I come back now.

Zheng Borong was hesitating whether to have someone replace him or go directly to the bar when the waiter from Yipinxian knocked on the door, bowed first, and then said sincerely, "I'm really sorry, the store just left the store. The incident has affected the guests’ meals. If the guests need, we can exchange these dishes for the guests for free. If the guests don’t need it, we can directly waive the order.”

When these words came out, everyone was a little surprised.

Regardless of whether they have been here before, everyone already knows that Yipinxian's food and wine are not cheap.

They have also seen what happened just now. It can be said that the accident of the old man has nothing to do with Yipinxian, and Yipinxian also suffered a disaster.

In this case, Yipinxian does not need to waive the order at all.

But they did it!

If this is free, how much will I lose?

Since the order is to be exempted, they can't be the only table, right? Affected guests will certainly be spared. There were quite a few guests outside just now. If so many people were exempted from the bill, the loss would be too great!

Zheng Borong was stunned for a moment, then glanced at everyone and asked, "Are you still eating?"

Everyone looked at the dishes on the table and hesitated.

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