80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1327 Never expected

Although the dishes had already cooled off, it was a pity to look at, but looking at those dishes, they actually regained their appetite.

So I was a little hesitant to ask the waiter to change it.

It's just that everyone is a college student, and it is inevitable that I feel a little embarrassed to think that I have taken such a big advantage.

So everyone was silent for a while, and then someone said embarrassedly: "Then... let's change it, I... I want to eat more."

Zheng Borong immediately said: "Okay, then change one, but you don't need to waive the bill. We don't need this money. It's not easy for you to encounter this kind of thing. I'm not the kind of person who takes advantage of the opportunity."

The waiter smiled and bowed again, then called someone to remove all the leftovers from the table.

After a while, the newly cooked dishes were delivered.

It was still full of color and flavor, and after such a delay, everyone was hungry. So when one end of the dish came up, they all devoured it.

After that, there were no other accidents, and everyone emptied their plates with satisfaction, feeling very happy.

It's just that Zheng Bairong looked at his watch and suddenly jumped up excitedly: "Damn it, it's already ten o'clock in the evening, it's too late!"

They started eating at about seven o'clock in the evening. Because there was an accident in the middle, they all ran out to watch the fun. The police came later and wanted to ask questions, which delayed a lot of time.

Waiting for the dishes to be re-made and delivered, I also waited for a while.

So if you delay like this, it will be too late.

Zheng Bairong blinked: "It's ten o'clock now, are you still going to the bar?"

Everyone present looked at each other and finally decided not to go.

Jiang Zhiying: "???"

So she kept waiting to stop a certain woman from taking advantage of Xiao Rin in the bar, and ended up waiting for loneliness?

Before everyone could react, Xiao Rin was the first to say, "Then don't go, it's too late. Besides, places like bars are not safe, so let's go and go back to school early."

He said so, and a few thoughtful people could only pursed their lips silently, and no one dared to come out and object.

Zheng Borong thought of what happened just now, and he had some lingering fears.

So he nodded decisively: "That's fine, let's not go to the bar, we'll go back to school later!"

He was in charge of entertaining guests, he said so, and it was even harder for others to say anything.

Zheng Borong took the initiative to go to check out, because he took the initiative to ask for a free order, and Yipinxian gave him another benefit, which was a coupon.

This coupon is open-ended, and with it, not only can you get a discount next time you come, but you can also cut the queue.

Zheng Borong is quite satisfied with this benefit. After all, it is really difficult to book a seat at Yipinxian. For today's birthday party, he reserved a seat a month in advance.

After he settled the bill, the crowd who gathered together also dispersed.

Local people like Xiao Rin and Jiang Zhiying chose to go home, while those from other places chose to go back to the school dormitory.

The school dormitory has lights out at night, so they all have to go back in time.

It was ten o'clock in the evening, and the bus had already stopped. Fortunately, Zheng Borong was full of energy, so he directly called a taxi for help.

At this time, taxis are still relatively expensive, but Zheng Borong doesn't care about this small amount of money.

He was very loyal, and after sending everyone else into the car, he took a taxi and left.

Although he is from out of town, his family has money and bought a house in Longjing long ago. So on weekends, Zheng Borong usually lives outside.

Jiang Zhiying and Xiao Rin looked at each other in the car.

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