80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1386 Another strong woman

Yun Feng attached great importance to the paternity test this time, so he quickly called a doctor and took the hair and blood for the test.

Afraid of making mistakes, he also arranged for people to watch the whole process.

It's just that due to technical limitations, the identification results will not be available for a while, and it will take three days to get the results at the earliest.

As a result, Jiang Zhiying couldn't leave directly.

Although she could see from her face that Xu Ning was the unlucky child of the Yun family, but the identification result had not come out, it was impossible for the Yun family to give her the reward with confidence.

So she can only get the money after the identification results come out.

Fortunately, Yun Feng is very good at being a man. He knew that a powerful boss like Jiang Zhiying could not stay in the hospital all the time, so he asked Jiang Zhiying what she meant, and prepared a luxury villa for her, a luxury car, and a driver who was in charge of driving. driver.

Before the appraisal result came out, Jiang Zhiying could live in the villa, or go shopping and play anywhere by car, and all the expenses could be charged to the Yun family's account.

Overall it was very thoughtful.

Jiang Zhiying was very satisfied with this, but she also knew that she couldn't overdo it.

So after leaving the hospital in a luxury car, she went directly to the villa prepared by the Yun family, saying that she was going to retreat, and then stayed in the villa.

Yun Feng is a smart person. When she arrived at the villa, the villa was already arranged, but there was no one in it. Obviously, the person who arranged all this had already left first and did not stay to act as an eyeliner.

Jiang Zhiying was very satisfied, but she just walked around the villa, and soon lost interest and went into the space to practice.

She didn't come out of the space until the next morning.

Jiang Zhiying guessed that Yun Xiyue should wake up, so she specially chose to leave the space this morning, called the driver, and chose a morning tea shop for breakfast.

Sure enough, just after she finished eating, the driver said that Yun Feng wanted to see her.

Jiang Zhiying simply agreed: "Then go to the hospital."

The driver didn't dare to say anything, he respectfully invited her to the car and took her to the hospital.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, they saw someone waiting.

It was a capable woman. She walked quickly to the side of the car and opened the door for Jiang Zhiying herself: "Mr. Da, I'm Linda, and Mr. Yun asked me to pick you up."

Jiang Zhiying glanced at her, knowing that she didn't speak, nodded indifferently, bent down and got out of the car: "Let's go."

Linda was wearing a shirt and wide-leg pants, and a pair of low-heeled leather shoes. She was tall and slender, and looked very sassy.

Linda walked fast, but she paid special attention to Jiang Zhiying. Seeing that Jiang Zhiying was not struggling to follow, she did not slow down.

Jiang Zhiying was not short, but Linda was even taller than her. Her height will inevitably make some men feel oppressed. Fortunately, Jiang Zhiying is not a real man, so she doesn't feel any discomfort.

Instead, she admired Yun Feng's vision a little, this Linda looked like a capable strong woman. What is even more commendable is that Linda not only works well, but also has no crooked thoughts.

Yun Feng didn't care about her woman's identity, and entrusted her with a heavy responsibility. He had to say that his vision was really good.

I just don't know, what does he think of Zhao Yunlong?

It stands to reason that although Zhao Yunlong is well camouflaged, Yunfeng, an old fox, should not be planted in Zhao Yunlong's hands.

Could it be because of Yun Xiyue?

Jiang Zhiying was gossiping curiously in her heart, and she reached the top floor before she knew it.

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