80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1387 The truth of dog blood

Linda took Jiang Zhiying directly outside Yun Xiyue's ward.

There were two bodyguards guarding outside the ward. When they saw them, they immediately opened the door to let them in.

Linda didn't go in, but made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Da, please, Mr. Yun will be waiting for you inside."

Jiang Zhiying nodded to her and walked in.

Sure enough, Yun Feng was inside.

Not only him, but also Xu Ning.

Yun Xiyue was sitting on the hospital bed, talking to Xu Ning. She smiled softly, and her whole body exuded the brilliance of motherhood, and she seemed to have remembered those memories.

Without the control of "Love Gu", she can finally be herself again now, instead of being a weak puppet in Zhao Yunlong's hands.

When Yun Xiyue saw Jiang Zhiying, she immediately wanted to get up: "Mr. Da..."

Xu Ning held her down nervously: "Hey, don't move, be careful to fall!"

Jiang Zhiying glanced at it, and seeing that he and Yun Xiyue were obviously close to each other, she couldn't help but marvel in her heart.

The power of blood is so powerful!

Yesterday's Xu Ning was still a bastard. It wasn't long before she saw Yun Xiyue, but today she has become a good baby.

She walked to the hospital bed and looked at Yun Xiyue meaningfully: "It seems that Miss Yun is recovering well."

Yun Xiyue immediately smiled bitterly: "I..."

She didn't know what to think, her smile became more and more bitter, and then the expression on her face gradually became cold, and finally she gritted her teeth and said, "I remember it all."

Jiang Zhiying didn't say anything.

When she devoured that "love gu" yesterday, she accidentally saw some memories of Yun Xiyue, and combined with the memories she saw in Zhao Yunlong's mind, it was not difficult to guess what happened that year.

To be honest, Zhao Yunlong is not Xu Ning's biological father, nor is the person Yun Xiyue really likes.

Back then, he controlled Yun Xiyue with the so-called "love gu", which made Yun Xiyue love him so much.

Because Yun Xiyue was pregnant and her body was not very good, she was not suitable for abortion, so the two got married so logically.

It's a pity that the child in Yun Xiyue's belly is not Zhao Yunlong's. He naturally won't keep this child, so he played a civet cat to exchange the prince, and exchanged his illegitimate child to Yun Xiyue, making him the child of the Yun family. Prince Yunyu.

For some unknown reason, Zhao Yunlong did not kill Xu Ning, but threw him in the orphanage to fend for himself.

Fortunately, Xu Ning was very old, and grew up wild in the orphanage. He finally grew up safely and became a human being, and was lucky enough to return to the Yun family.

Yun Xiyue was previously controlled by "Emotion Gu", and she didn't know that her child had been ripped off. Her whole body was always muddle-headed, like a marionette in Zhao Yunlong's hand.

Now that there is no "love Gu" to control her, her suppressed nature has completely recovered, and those suppressed memories are probably recalled.

How can I feel better?

Although Jiang Zhiying was not the roundworm in Yun Xiyue's stomach, she felt that if she were Yun Xiyue, she would definitely want to stab that pig and dog Zhao Yunlong alive now!

Yun Xiyue didn't care when she saw that she didn't speak.

She asked Jiang Zhiying, "Mr. Da, do you have any way to take care of my body?"

Speaking of which, she smiled bitterly again, "I've been wasted for too many years, and I don't want to waste any more."

Her parents are old and lack energy. Xu Ning was young and dropped out of school, so he couldn't handle the Yunding Group at all.

She can only come by herself!

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