80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 203 Dangerous man

The big head pointed at one of the men who looked gentle and polite and said, "See, this is Angkor, but he is a very powerful person who has gone to college!"

Du Yongqiang glanced at the Angkor in surprise, who knew that the man suddenly looked at him, so frightened that his soul almost flew away!

He couldn't tell what was going on, he just felt very scared.

The man was obviously not fierce, and his eyes were not as fierce as Zhou Yong's, but it made him feel very scared, like a mouse seeing a cat.

Angkor is sitting on the main seat, obviously here, his status is the highest.

He saw Du Yongqiang's scared look, and smiled at him: "Little brother is really a talent, I don't know what to call it?"

Before Du Yongqiang could speak, the big head next to him introduced it first: "If I go back to Angkor, his name is Du Yongqiang, and we usually call him Qiangzi."

Du Yongqiang suddenly became more nervous, as if his throat was strangled.

Angkor smiled again, and then asked curiously: "Then I'll call you Qiangzi too. I just saw that your face didn't seem very good. Did someone bully you?"

Du Yongqiang laughed dryly: "No..."

He couldn't explain why, he just felt nervous and didn't even dare to say more in front of this person.

However, he didn't want to say it, but the big head next to him betrayed him directly: "Angkor is amazing, what, fire... fiery eyes! At a glance, I can see that Qiangzi has been bullied."

"Big head!" Du Yongqiang wanted to stop him, "Don't talk about it, it's not a big deal."

He doesn't really want to talk about his family in front of strangers.

This Angkor doesn't know what he does, he looks like a scholar, but his eyes are too scary.

But Datou didn't listen to him, and directly told him about being scolded by Zhou Yong: "Angkor, don't you know, Datou is pitiful, he, he was scolded by his brother-in-law just now. If he hadn't run away Come on, maybe you'll be beaten!"

"Big head!" Du Yongqiang was a little angry, "Didn't I tell you not to say anything?"

"Let him talk, Datou also wants to help you." Angkor looked at him with a smile on his face, "Since Datou is willing to bring you here, it means that he regards you as a friend, so don't let him down. mind."

Du Yongqiang was afraid of him, but he was staring at him like this, and he suddenly lost the courage to speak again.

He could only watch helplessly as the big head spoke out what he had been scolded for.

Angkor frowned and said disapprovingly: "Your brother-in-law actually scolds you like this? It's really too much, no wonder Datou is so angry.

How important is a man's face, your brother-in-law scolds you in front of so many people, it's like stepping on your face to the ground and deliberately wanting to insult you. "

Du Yongqiang's anger burned when he heard Da Tou's words that added fuel to the fire.

Not only dissatisfied with Zhou Yong scolding him, but also dissatisfied with the big head speaking out in front of so many people.

Hearing Angkor's words at this moment, the anger in his heart burned even more.

I think Angkor is right, Zhou Yong is indeed going too far.

It was his brother-in-law who actually stepped on his face like that!

Still look down on him!

When he is willing to go to Zhou's house for a meal? He was not forced.

If Zhou Yong was willing to help him find a good job, would he be able to do this?

Du Yongqiang was so sullen with anger that he didn't speak.

Angkor said: "Forget it, since I'm not happy, I'll drink a bar. After drinking, my heart will feel at ease."

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