80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 204 Seeing the picture, the devil

As soon as Angkor finished speaking, he handed Du Yongqiang a drink: "Angkor is right, Qiangzi comes to drink, and you don't think about it after drinking."

Du Yongqiang smelled the wine and felt a little greedy, so he half pushed the wine bowl and took a sip.

The big head poured it for him again, and said in his mouth: "Qianzi is really powerful, you can drink so much in one sip, come and come, I will fill it up for you. Today's brother's treat, you have enough food and wine, you can drink as much as you want! Drink as much as you want! How much to drink!"

Others at the wine table also booed, saying that he was powerful and could drink.

Du Yongqiang was scolded by Zhou Yong just now, and it was useless to dislike him, and he kept holding back his anger, trying to prove that he was very powerful.

Hearing everyone's compliments at this moment, doesn't he get excited?

When my brain is hot, I don't know anything, just remember to drink.

Unknowingly, Du Yongqiang drank his head big, and all the grievances, resentment and sourness suppressed in his heart poured out all at once.

He began to complain about how the brother-in-law Zhou Yong was stingy and bad. As he talked, more and more words came out of his mouth.

"What's the matter with me when Huzi was caught by the traffickers? I didn't let me go to the train station alone. He had to go by himself. Can you blame me?"

"Second sister, too, it's not my fault, but she also blames me. She refused to pay attention to me for several days. I finally met a girl I liked and wanted to talk to someone, but she refused to help me!"

"She clearly said that she will support me for the rest of her life. Now that she has a husband and son, she will not want me as a younger brother."

"Sure enough, the old saying is right, girls are losers. Once you get married, you don't care about your parents' brothers."

"Who does Zhou Yong think he is? How dare he look down on me? Isn't he just working at the train station? What's so amazing? I... I'll definitely be much better than him in the future!"

"He has offended me now, and I will remember this hatred, so... in the future, when I develop, I... I will... slap the money in his face, see... see if he dares... dare not. Dare to look down on me!"

By the end, he was so drunk that he couldn't even speak clearly.

At this time, all those who were joking stopped and looked at Du Yongqiang blankly.

Only the eyes of the big head flickered, a little guilty.

He glanced at Angkor nervously, and was about to ask something when Angkor suddenly raised his hand and interrupted what he wanted to say.

Then he said to Du Yongqiang: "Qiangzi, you are right, your brother-in-law is really too much. He looks down on you so much, you have to show him some color, or he will definitely bully you more in the future!"

"Yan...color?" Du Yongqiang opened his mouth stupidly, and then smirked, "Yes, I...I have to...show him some color! Let him...let him bully me!"

Angkor smiled and quickly asked him again: "Then how do you want to teach him a lesson?"

Du Yongqiang raised his head again, but after a while, he couldn't say why.

lesson? What lessons?

What should he teach?

Oops, what a big head.

He frowned in confusion: "I...I don't know..."

Angkor said, "Didn't your brother-in-law bully you for his son's sake? This shows that what he values ​​most is his son. If you want to give him some color, you have to poke at his sore spot."

He hooked his lips, smiled like a devil, and continued to persuade him, "Well, if you tied his son and made him anxious for a few days, he would definitely not be able to bear it."

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