80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 205 The Devil's Real Target

"Tied... tied his son?" Du Yongqiang was so frightened that he shuddered, his brain eroded by alcohol suddenly became sober, and he hurriedly shook his head, "No, no, this is not... this is not good, definitely not! "

After all, he is his nephew, so how can you say that he is tied?

Angkor's eyes flashed, and then he said: "It's not really tying him up, or just pretending to make your brother-in-law anxious, and then you pretend to save him back. In this way, you will become his savior. If your brother-in-law will in the future Dare to bully you again, wouldn't it be a kind of revenge?"

Du Yongqiang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that it made sense!

Yes, he... He can act like he can teach Zhou Yong a lesson, make him get angry, and frighten that stinky boy who eats inside and out. In the end, he brought Hu Zi back, and he became Hu Zi's savior.

At that time, how can Zhou Yong still have the face to scold him for no use?

Du Yongqiang's brain has been soaked in alcohol. Although he has just been sobered up by fright, most of him are still confused. How can he come up with the danger here?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was a good idea, so he nodded stupidly, with a smirk on his face: "Okay, this is a good way! Let's do this to him! Give... a lesson to him, see... see what he will do in the future. ... how dare you bully Lao Tzu!"

But after a pause, he was confused again, "But... how do you tie it?"

Angkor took out a pen and paper and handed it to him: "This is easy, everyone is a good brother, we can help you. You should be able to write, right? Let me say, you write, just write a few threatening words to scare your brother-in-law.

Then we found an opportunity to tie the tiger and take it to a place to hide, so that your brother-in-law can be in a hurry. When he gets angry in a hurry, you can take Huzi back. "

Du Yongqiang faintly felt that something was not right, but everyone around was booing.

"Yes, yes, write quickly!"

"Scare him to death!"

"See if he dares to bully you in the future!"

"You will be his savior in the future!"

"Write it quickly, write it quickly, we will eat meat when we write it."

Du Yongqiang ate meat as soon as he finished dictation, and immediately regained his energy, took over the pen and paper, and began to write.

He could write, but not very well.

Now that I'm drunk, I write erratically, which is especially irritating to my eyes.

The most important thing is that as he writes and writes, his mind becomes even more confused, and he cannot write at all.

Angkor said it several times, but he didn't finish a sentence, which made Angkor irritable.

After writing it, he let the big head look at it: "Is it like he wrote it?"

However, although Datou and Du Yongqiang often hang out together on weekdays, people like them don't like to write. Where does he remember what Du Yongqiang's handwriting looks like?

But in front of Angkor, he didn't dare to say that he didn't know, so he closed his eyes and said, "Angkor, you are so amazing, this word is exactly the same as Du Yongqiang's word!"

Angkor took another look at what Du Yongqiang had just written, and felt very similar.

He was good at imitating other people's handwriting, so he was quite confident about it, and at the same time he felt that Datou would not dare to lie to him, so he didn't think much about it.

Then he put away the written piece of paper and began to think about tying people.

Zhou Yong worked at the train station, and he cared so much about his son. As long as he tied up that little brat, he was not afraid that Zhou Yong would not be obedient.

I’m so tired that I’m vomiting blood, and the 30,000-word burst update is finally over. I hope you can vote for more monthly votes~ After the release, there will be a minimum of four updates every day. If there are comments and monthly passes, there will be more updates~ I love you (づ ̄3 ̄ )づ╭~

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