80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 206 Jiang Zhiying heard it

Angkor thought of his plan, gave Du Yongqiang a cold look, and said to Da Tou, "Give him some more wine."

He nodded his head and bowed his waist, his dog-legged attentive look, very much like a traitor in a movie.

"Angkor, don't worry, this kid is just an embroidered pillow, it's useless, and the alcohol intake is very light, three glasses can be poured! If I pour him some more, he must be as drunk as a dead dog, and he will never wake up. Come!"

Big head said, poured a bowl of wine directly, squeezed Du Yongqiang's mouth and poured it for him.

Although Du Yongqiang was drunk and stupefied, he also realized that something was not right and struggled instinctively.

Angkor immediately ordered: "Hold him down!"

As soon as the words fell, the two condescending youths held Du Yongqiang on the left and the right, allowing the big head to drink the wine smoothly.

Du Yongqiang drank the wine "gudugudu", and his face became redder and redder as soon as he was drinking, and he soon became unconscious. As the big head just said, it's like a dead dog.

The young man who held him then threw him away, and then looked at Angkor eagerly, waiting for his orders.

The big head also looked at Angkor eagerly.

Angkor took out a large amount of solidarity, divided ten yuan per person, and put the rest into his clothes pocket.

Then he said, "Drink and eat food first, and then we'll work after we've eaten. Don't worry, as long as it's done, your benefits will be indispensable."

When Datou and the others got the money, they were all excited and complimented Angkor.

After a lot of good talk, I started drinking and eating vegetables.

Du Yongqiang, who was already drunk as a dead dog, was miserable, and was thrown on the ground like rubbish. After drinking a belly of wine, the table was full of good dishes, and none of them could be eaten.

The gangsters were very excited when they thought that they still had money to take. Plus the food and drinks here are pretty good, they don't usually come here.

So one by one, it was like the reincarnation of a hungry ghost.

Angkor looked at him with a smile, but there was a deep disgust in his eyes.

But the gangsters were busy grabbing food, and no one noticed his eyes at all.

A group of big boys grabbed the dishes as if they were bandits crossing the border. They swept away the dishes on the table after a while, and they didn't even want to leave any soup.

When Angkor saw that they had all finished eating, he asked with a smile, "Have you finished eating? Now that we have finished eating, let's get down to business. When we're done with business, brother will send you money!"

Datou and the others all ate a little, and their stomachs were uncomfortable.

However, when they heard Angkor's words, they were as excited as chicken blood, and their eyes were glowing green with excitement.

It was almost a few voices of howling.

"Okay, let's go out." Angkor said, glanced at Du Yongqiang on the ground with disgust, and instructed Datou: "Help him up and go out together."

Datou nodded, struggling to help Du Yongqiang up. He ate too much, and when he bent over, it pressed his stomach, and he felt nauseated and almost vomited on the spot.

Fortunately, I tried to hold back.

This made Datou very dissatisfied, and he couldn't help but secretly pinched Du Yongqiang a few times to vent his anger.

Then he helped him out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the private room, he saw several people in front of him, three of them were very familiar, they were clearly Zhou Yong's family!

The face of the big head changed, and he quickly called Angkor: "Angkor!"

Angkor turned to look at him: "What?"

The big head supported Du Yongqiang and carefully squeezed in front of him, pointed to the person in front of him and whispered: "Angkor, that is Zhou Yong."

Jiang Zhiying, who has good ears: "???"

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