80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 207 Eyeing Jiang Zhiying

Jiang Zhiying and the others behind Angkor were actually more than ten meters away.

The big head lowered his voice specially, and ordinary people really couldn't hear it.

It's a pity that Jiang Zhiying is not an ordinary person.

Not only did she hear it, but she heard it clearly, and immediately became a little concerned.

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Zhiying still turned her head and glanced at the person behind her.

Mainly because she is young now, even if the other party sees her turning her head, she will definitely not think too much.

But she didn't want to see it, so she found the problem.

The group of people behind, obviously something is wrong!

The strangest thing is the luck on their bodies, several of them, the luck on their bodies is pitch black, and they are on par with tigers!

Hey, that person is...

Jiang Zhiying suddenly noticed Du Yongqiang who was supported by the big head.

Although Du Yongqiang buried his head at the moment, he couldn't see his face at all, and could only see the top of his head.

But his split head, floral shirt, flared pants, and leather shoes are all too familiar!

Jiang Zhiying recognized at a glance that he was Zhou Yong's greasy brother-in-law, and the luck on his body had become pitch-black, almost like the big head that was supporting him.

The rest of the people did not.

Jiang Zhiying felt that something was not right.

At this moment, she noticed a scrutinizing gaze from the man walking in the middle.

The man looked like he was in his thirties, with a gentle appearance and gentle manner. His looks are not that good-looking, and he is far from Jiang Shixun.

But at this moment, there are crooked melons and cracked dates all around him, which makes him very handsome.

Although he did not walk in the forefront, his appearance and temperament also gave people a harmless feeling, but who is Jiang Zhiying?

She is a witch who is often arrested and hunted down in the last days. How could she be deceived by a person's appearance?

This guy is definitely the boss!

Moreover, he is really sharp, she just glanced at it, and his eyes swept over, still examining her!

So vigilant!

Even her little baby is unwilling to worry, 80% of it is not a good thing!

Jiang Zhiying rolled her eyes in disgust, then she opened her eyes wide in pretence and started to look around.

On the surface, he was looking at something else, but in reality he secretly released his mental power and secretly "observed" the person behind him.

Hmph, don't let her see it, she's "peeping", right?

Jiang Zhiying glanced around pretendingly, then turned her head in disinterest and looked ahead.

She found that Angkor was really vigilant and actually stopped the big head from continuing to speak.

Angkor stopped staring at her until she turned her head back and continued to look ahead and couldn't see them anymore.

Jiang Zhiying laughed.

If this person is not very vigilant, she may not think too much.

Be vigilant like this, it is obvious that there is a ghost in your heart!

By the way, was that big head talking about Zhou Yong just now?

Could it be that the bad things they wanted to do had something to do with Zhou Yong?

Jiang Zhiying was suspicious, and suddenly thought of the black luck on Hu Zi's body.

She hurriedly glanced at Huzi, and sure enough, the luck on his body was darker.

A look of disaster is imminent.

Jiang Zhiying immediately confirmed the guess in her heart, that Angkor behind him, Bacheng wanted to do something bad. This matter is not only related to Zhou Yong, but also kills Hu Zi.

What should she do now?

Things haven't happened yet, and she can't always express her guesses.

Not only will no one believe it, but it is easy to arouse Jiang Shixun's suspicion.

Does she have to wait until it happens?

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