Jiang Zhiying had been secretly observing Angkor and his group with her mental strength, but perhaps she was too vigilant. Angkor didn't let the big head continue to speak, and he didn't say a word himself.

Jiang Zhiying still didn't hear a word until she walked out of the State-run Hotel.

At this time, Tang Yulan asked Jiang Shixun, "Are you going back now?"

Jiang Shixun was about to speak when Hu Zi suddenly said, "Sister Zhuzhu, shall we go to the park?"

Jiang Zhiying was just about to find an excuse to stay, when she heard the words, she immediately agreed: "Okay."

After finishing, he said to Jiang Shixun, "Dad, I want to go to the park."

She doesn't know when those people plan to start, so she can only delay the time of leaving as much as possible.

If those people hadn't started by the time she had to leave, then she could only find an excuse to tell Jiang Shixun about it.

Since she had guessed that something would happen to Huzi, she couldn't just say nothing and just watch this little devil get killed.

Although Huzi is fucking annoying, Huzi is a very attractive child.

If it can be saved, it must be saved.

Jiang Zhiying thought quietly, and soon heard Tang Yulan say, "Then go for a walk in the park."

Although the sun is a bit big at the moment, Tang Yulan still wants to go to the park.

First, she hadn't been there for a long time, and secondly, she had just finished eating, so she didn't want to take the bus, that would definitely make her sick to her stomach and motion sickness! Not to mention how uncomfortable.

Tang Yulan was afraid of motion sickness at first, but now that she has just eaten, she is even more afraid of motion sickness.

Jiang Shixun also knew her problem with motion sickness. Although she didn't seem to get dizzy when she was in the car a few times, Jiang Shixun still didn't dare to take the risk.

I promised to go to the park first.

Du Chunjuan really didn't want to go shopping, but she was worried that after she left alone, Zhou Yong would treat guests again, or buy gifts or something, so she had to bite the bullet and stay.

Just after eating, the group decided to walk to a nearby park, where they could have a snack.

From beginning to end, except Jiang Zhiying, no one found Du Yongqiang and Angkor.

Mainly because Jiang Zhiying turned around that time, Angkor vigilantly took the big head and they found a hidden corner in the hotel to hide first, and waited for Jiang Shixun and the others to leave before they came out.

However, when Jiang Shixun and the others went to the park, Angkor personally followed behind.

They were deliberately far away, but Jiang Zhiying still found out.

She also found that people like Angkor have a very anti-reconnaissance awareness and are definitely professional!

This is so interesting, what are these people doing? What do they want to do? Why kill the tiger?

And Du Yongqiang, why should they die?

Could it be... for the sake of silence?

With her rich experience, Jiang Zhiying guessed a possibility.

Seeing that those people have been following behind, obviously wanting to do something, Jiang Zhiying is not in a hurry.

If they really do it, then she just shoots secretly and cleans up the people. What's the hurry?

After walking for a while, the park finally arrived.

Jiang Zhiying glanced at it. The gate of the park was very classical and surrounded by walls. It looked a bit like the garden of a wealthy family in the past.

It's just that I don't know which unlucky family's garden is. Now it has been confiscated, and it has become a park where anyone can enter the big card.

The gate of the park is actually quite imposing, but unfortunately only a small gate is open now, and some people are standing there to sell tickets.

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