Zhou Yong took the initiative to buy a ticket.

The fare is quite cheap. Adult tickets are a dime. Children less than 1.2 meters in height do not charge for it.

Jiang Zhiying and the others consisted of four adults, a half-year-old child Jiang Shian, and the rest of Jiang Zhiying and Hu Zi were under one meter two, so they didn't need to buy tickets.

So it's only four and a half cents in total, which is really not much.

However, Du Chunjuan still elongated her face, as if someone owed her money.

Jiang Shixun and Tang Yulan just pretended they didn't see it.

It's not that I want to take advantage of these two and a half cents. It's really such a small amount of money. If I still rush to get my share, it's too much to care about.

It's better to buy some herbal tea and popsicles after entering, and invite Zhou Yong back.

Seeing Du Chunjuan's style, Jiang Shixun and Tang Yulan couldn't help shaking their heads in their hearts, and even felt a little sympathetic to Zhou Yong.

Zhou Yong is a good person, but it's a pity to have such a wife and such a brother-in-law.

The scenery in the park is good, it is spring now, so many flowers are blooming. There are also a lot of begonia flowers in the park, which are in full bloom at the moment.

Jiang Zhiying looked at the begonia flowers and suddenly regretted not bringing her camera.

There is a camera in her space, but it is not a digital camera or a Polaroid camera, and it is impossible to take it out.

Looking at the scenery, how boring is it not to take pictures?

Hu Zi was very puzzled when she saw the flowers eagerly looking at her: "Sister Zhuzhu, what are you looking at those flowers for? It's just a few flowers, nothing to see."

Jiang Zhiying glanced at him speechlessly, the little cub was so young that he actually became a straight man with cancer.

How beautiful are these flowers, how come there is nothing to look at?

Hu Zi didn't notice her dislike, and even volunteered: "If you like those flowers, I'll pick them for you! How much do you want?"

Jiang Zhiying saw that he was on the verge of moving and wanted to destroy the flowers with his "ruthless" appearance, and quickly grabbed him: "Don't pick it!"

Hu Zi blinked inexplicably: "Why? Don't you like it?"

"If you take it off, they will die." Jiang Zhiying taught him, "Are you going to kill them?"

Hu Zi looked stunned: "???"

Isn't it just picking flowers? Why is it so serious?

Du Chunjuan sneered suddenly: "It's just a few flowers to pick, what can't die? When the flowers bloom, aren't they just for people to pick?"

Jiang Zhiying had long thought that she was not pleasing to the eye, and seeing that she was still teaching bad tigers here, she was even more upset.

She said fiercely, "What if someone saw you as good looking and picked you up too?"

Du Chunjuan's face turned red all of a sudden: "You, you... what nonsense are you talking about!!!"

When she was in a hurry, she said the name in her heart.

But her voice was quite loud, whether it was Zhou Yong or Jiang Shixun, they all heard it.

Zhou Yong was so shocked that he hurriedly looked at Jiang Shixun and Tang Yulan's faces, and he saw that the couple's faces were already dark.

He was also very angry, Du Chunjuan went too far, what did she say!

Zhuzhu is only four years old, what can she understand? It's normal to say something wrong. She is an adult, but she still cares about a four-year-old child!

It's enough to care about people, and actually call them "losing money"!

Really... what was she thinking about!

"Juanzi!" Zhou Yong scolded her angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about! Quickly apologize to Zhuzhu!"

Today's seventh update, there will be another update later~

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