80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 933 Xiao Rin's Sassy Operation

In order to maximize the use of the six storage jade talismans, Xiao Rin was too busy to stop every day.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, all the books were secretly picked at night when no one was there. After picking, the price was settled, and they were directly put into the space. After leaving the money, they left secretly.

In addition to books, Xiao Rin also secretly bought a computer, and even went to the car "cemetery" to recover a lot of metal.

Others such as gold, gems and jade, Xiao Rin is also trying to collect.

He is too young to show his face now, and he can only do it secretly.

There are many gangs in Yingguo, most of them are non-personnel things, Xiao Rin secretly blackmailed them, and even acted as a "bounty hunter", took a lot of orders, and earned a lot of money to buy materials.

Because his task was done so well, he was able to take away the reward smoothly every time, which attracted the attention of many people who wanted to find him.

It's a pity that Xiao Rin has been coming and going without a trace. Those people used all means, but failed to find Xiao Rin's shadow.

In the blink of an eye, twenty days have passed.

Xiao Rin keenly discovered that Xiao Yan and his wife were being followed.

As the day they plan to return home draws nearer, their situation becomes more dangerous.

Xiao Rin was worried that something would happen to them, so she had to let go of other things and follow them all the time to prevent the two of them from having an accident.

The crisis did not appear immediately. The other party seemed to plan to use Huairou's method, and specially arranged a lot of people to persuade Xiao Yan and his wife Zheng Yuru, mainly their classmates and friends from Ying Country.

It is a pity that the two of them have a firm attitude and are unwilling to stay in the comfortable and prosperous Ying Kingdom. They just want to go back to build the motherland.

As the two continued to refuse, Xiao Rin found that their situation became more dangerous.

Afraid of scare the snakes and self-defeating, Xiao Rin did not move those stalking people. Instead, he picked the time and deliberately took a few lists with extremely high rewards, but very sensitive.

Like assisting a dangerous person to escape from prison, or assassinating a politician and celebrity.

He didn't intend to actually do it, but just deliberately took the order to attract the attention of the relevant personnel and muddy the water.

Those lists not only involve big figures, but also the rewards are very high, so people have been paying close attention.

Xiao Rin had successfully completed a lot of tasks before, and he was the focus of attention. Now that he took those orders, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The warden and those politicians and celebrities were even more careful, and quickly set up guards in the prison, hiring a large number of bodyguards, for fear of letting Xiao Rin succeed.

None of these people thought that Xiao Rin didn't want to complete the task at all, just to play with them.

After taking over the tasks, he put those tasks aside, and then sneaked into several powerful local gangs, emptied their arsenals, and blew up their "medicines".

As soon as this happened, several gangs suffered heavy losses and immediately began to make trouble.

Xiao Rin hid in the dark, and successively ransacked the famous black-hearted rich people in the local area.

They also exposed their "black material" by the way.

In an instant, the whole city became extraordinarily lively.

Perhaps it was a lack of manpower, but Xiao Rin found with satisfaction that the people who followed Xiao Yan and his wife had disappeared.

So he secretly made a threatening letter and deliberately put it on the couple's bedside table. Afraid that the two would be careless, they also deliberately drew a big "X" with blood on the envelope.

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