80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 934 Death Threat

The big red cross on the envelope looks particularly hideous.

In order to make Xiao Yan and his wife vigilant enough, Xiao Rin specially used a blood bag taken from the hospital, and the letter inside was cut out of newspaper, and the wording was extremely fierce, like an extreme racialist.

Sure enough, when Xiao Yan came together in the morning, he was very frightened by that letter!

Originally, he was still a little confused when he woke up, but when he saw the blood-red X, he was so frightened that he immediately became mentally energized.

Because the movement was too big, he even woke up Zheng Yuru, who was sleeping beside him.

"What's the matter with you?" Zheng Yuru opened her eyes in confusion, "Why are you so surprised in the morning?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the letter, her eyes widened in fright, and she screamed and asked, "What is that! Who put it there!"

Xiao Yan's face was very ugly: "I remember that before going to bed last night, there was no such thing."

Zheng Yuru said with certainty: "Absolutely not! How could it be here? Who did it?"

This place is their bedroom!

If someone sneaked into their bedroom last night and put something on the bedside table, wouldn't that mean the other party could do something else, like kill them?

The more Zheng Yuru thought about it, the more afraid she became.

Recently, she just wanted to go home and take a good look at her lost son, but she didn't expect that she could go back now, but this kind of thing happened!

"What should I do?" Zheng Yuru hugged Xiao Yan in horror, "Who do you think did it? What does he want to do?"

"Look first."

Xiao Yan said, reaching for the letter.

Zheng Yuru quickly grabbed him: "Wait! Don't touch it first, I'll get you gloves! No one knows what's on it, so it's safer to put on gloves first."

Xiao Yan didn't insist.

Soon Zheng Yuru found a pair of thin gloves and let Xiao Yan put them on.

Xiao Yan put on his gloves, then carefully picked up the envelope, opened it and glanced vigilantly, and took out a piece of paper with words on it.

He took a closer look and found that the piece of paper was ordinary printing paper, and the words on it were obviously cut out from newspapers, and he finally pieced together a death threat.

Also drew a big X with blood.

Overall, it was very uncomfortable.

When Xiao Yan checked, Zheng Yuru also saw it. She was very nervous, but calm. Soon she said: "We are being watched now, and we must not sit still. We must notify the embassy! Put this thing away, and I will call."

Xiao Yan nodded: "Okay."

He also didn't want to take risks.

Since the other party is eyeing them, and the threat letter can be sent to their room, it means that it is not easy. They can be very dangerous if left unchecked!

Zheng Yuru quickly called, and the couple quickly dressed. After washing up, they went to notify Ling Xue next door, and then stayed at home and waited for someone from the embassy to come over.

Because they were far away, they waited for almost an hour for the embassy to come.

After carefully examining the threatening letter, they called the police, and then accompanied Xiao Yan and his wife to wait for the police to come to the door.

After waiting for more than ten minutes this time, the police came. They carefully inspected the entire room and found that the door lock of Xiao Yan's house had been picked up. It was suspected that someone had picked the door lock and came in last night, and put down the threatening letter.

It's just that they don't understand, who is going to do this?

Now that he has come in, why not kill people directly, but leave a threatening letter instead?

Jiang Zhiying: You actually do such a thing!

Xiao Rin: Actually, I learned from you.

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