80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 953 Jiang Shixun was selected

Although Long Kingdom is not short of guns and shells now, the warehouses are full of fine and even high-end goods. Even if they don't need them, it's good to dismantle them for research.

There are also those foreign books. People from the Security Bureau specially looked for experts to read them and found that they were all technology-related books.

This is so important to them!

In order to restrict them, the foreign powers deliberately blocked their technology, and many things were not sold to them. Even if they sell, they have to double the price, bully them and have to buy them, and deliberately use them as fat pigs.

Who doesn't get frustrated?

Why do they spend countless costs to send international students abroad? It's not for sending people out to learn advanced technology abroad.

Now that they have these books, of course they have to put them to good use!

So after the Xiao family's suspicion was ruled out, Xiao Yan and Zheng Yuru soon had a job arrangement - translating those foreign languages.

The two of them were also very surprised when they saw those books, so they quickly got into work and started the long and boring translation work.

Although Xiao Rin was still a child, he was no better than them.

He had already been sent to primary school by Xiao Anbang.

Xiao Rin also wanted to encourage Jiang Zhiying to go to elementary school with him, but Jiang Zhiying did not agree.

She's only five years old and doesn't want to go to school yet.

Xiao Rin didn't dare to force her, nor did she dare not go to school like Jiang Zhiying, so she could only go to and from school obediently, sit in the classroom with a group of little radishes, and start a boring elementary school career.

Jiang Zhiying stayed at home all day long, tossing the jade that Xiao Rin brought back.

Xiao Rin brought her back a lot of jade, all of which were good materials, and most of them were raw stones with open windows.

Jiang Zhiying had these jade stones to practice her hands, and her ability to make talismans finally improved a lot.

In a blink of an eye, it was December.

The atmosphere in the Jiang family became more and more wrong.

The reason was that Jiang Shixun was going to study in the vulture country.

He was chosen above.

The Dragon Kingdom wants to establish diplomatic relations with the Vulture Country, and plans to arrange a group of international students to study in the Vulture Country. The vulture country also uses eagle writing, but many people's eagle writing is not very good.

Jiang Shixun achieved good grades in the college entrance examination at the beginning, and he has always performed well since he arrived at school. The teachers value him very much.

So this time I wanted to send an international student to the Vulture Country, so I chose him.

Jiang Shixun himself wanted to go, but he couldn't rest assured at home and was always hesitant.

It was Tang Yulan who persuaded him to seize this opportunity.

Although she was also reluctant to bear Jiang Shixun, after all, learning was important. The technology of the Vulture Country is much more advanced than theirs. After Jiang Shixun passes, he can learn more advanced knowledge. She does not want Jiang Shixun to give up such a good opportunity.

Jiang Shixun agreed.

It was originally said to be going next year, but who knew that there was a sudden news from above, saying that I would have to go this month.

In this way, Jiang Shixun will soon take a plane to the vulture country to start studying abroad, and the Jiang family is naturally reluctant.

Jiang Zhiying was looking forward to it.

She had agreed with Jiang Shixun that when Jiang Shixun arrived in the Vulture Country, he would apply for family visits, and then Tang Yulan would send her there, and then she would stay in the Vulture Country to accompany Jiang Shixun.

Originally, Jiang Shixun didn't want to agree, but Jiang Zhiying said something and used space as an excuse, and Jiang Shixun agreed.

Of course she's going out, how boring it is to stay in the country.

In the Vulture Country, isn't she just roaming around?

Xiao Rin went to the Eagle Country before, and he got six supplies for storing jade talismans by himself.

If she went to Vulture Country, she would definitely get more!

Soon bead will grow up again~

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