80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 954: The Upgraded Jade Talisman for Storage

Although very sad, the day of separation has come.

Just in case, Jiang Zhiying prepared a safety talisman and a storage talisman for Jiang Shixun.

The storage talisman still looks like a jade token, and the safety talisman is made of a wooden token.

The made storage jade talisman is hidden in the wooden sign, which is both low-key and protective.

Jiang Zhiying's current talisman skills have improved a lot. The storage jade talisman made can have a maximum space of 1,000 cubic meters, which is about the size of a room of more than 300 square meters, and can store a lot of things.

Jiang Zhiying kept a lot of wooden signs of peace symbols in the space, as well as food and weapons.

Although both the Dragon Country and the Vulture Country now allow guns, Jiang Shixun and the others are going to study abroad, so they must not bring guns. If you want to hold a gun, you can only find a way to go to the vulture country.

Jiang Zhiying put firearms and ammunition in the space to prevent Jiang Shixun from encountering danger when he got there.

In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, the food is prepared bacon, dried meat and sausages.

Her ability is limited now, and the storage jade talisman made by her has no time-still function. After putting in fresh fruits and vegetables, it can only be kept fresh for a month, and it will not be so fresh after a month.

On the contrary, the prepared bacon and other items can be kept fresh for a long time, so you can put more.

Jiang Zhiying specially put more, in case she could not go abroad at that time, Jiang Shixun was not used to it in the Congress of Vultures.

Although there is no shortage of meat in the Vulture Country, with Jiang Shixun's ability, he can definitely make money there, but it is inconvenient.

What's more, the bacon prepared by Jiang Zhiying is made from poultry and livestock raised in the space, and it tastes much better.

They eat these every day at home, and they have already made their mouths open. If Jiang Shixun can't eat them in the future, he must be very unaccustomed.

After some reluctance, Jiang Shixun set foot on the plane to the Vulture Country.

Jiang Zhiying stayed in China temporarily.

Just as Jiang Shiyun was about to give birth, she and Jiang Shixun both planned to wait for Jiang Shiyun to give birth safely before Jiang Zhiying went to the Vulture Country.

Anyway, after Jiang Shixun arrived there, he had to settle himself well before he could apply for family visits, and the application also took time.

After Jiang Shixun left, the Jiang family was not used to it.

Especially Tang Yulan.

After returning home, she looked at Jiang Zhiying, suddenly took her into her arms nervously, and said reluctantly, "Zhuzhu, will you sleep with your mother tonight?"

Jiang Zhiying's eyes widened in shock: "I... what about my brother?"

Of course she doesn't want to sleep with Tang Yulan. She is so old, and she is not used to sleeping with Tang Yulan again.

Besides, Jiang Xiaoer and Jiang Xiaosan are so young, they can't live without their mother.

As soon as they were mentioned, the two boys suddenly cried and called "Dad".

They sent Jiang Shixun on the plane today, and Jiang Xiaoer and Jiang Xiaosan also took them with them. The two little ones are only one year old and don't know anything yet.

No, they didn't cry when they were at the airport, but when they got home, they suddenly started crying.

I don't know whether to say that their reflex arc is too long, or that they are sensitive enough.

When Tang Yulan heard the child cry, she felt more and more uncomfortable.

Jiang Shixun had already told her that after the new year, let her take Jiang Zhiying over there, and then Jiang Zhiying will stay there and come back together when Jiang Shixun finishes studying abroad.

Where is Tang Yulan willing?

But now the two younger sons were crying more and more, so she could only let go of Jiang Zhiying and coax the two younger sons.

Jiang Zhiying was quietly relieved, and then she looked at the two younger brothers who were crying, and suddenly began to miss Jiang Shixun.

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