80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 964 Two years, mysterious fortune teller

Jiang Shixun did have some talent in design. After Roland approached him and asked him to design, he spent a week designing more than a dozen kinds of logos and trademarks. Roland was very satisfied after seeing it and gave Jiang Shixun a pretty good remuneration. Help design the bottle, jar and outer packaging pattern.

Later, the company's business got better and better, and Roland became more generous, and the remuneration to Jiang Shixun became higher and higher.

With this part-time job and the income from selling paintings, Jiang Shixun makes more and more money, and he can send 10,000 vulture coins back to China every month.

A year later, Roland's uncle planned to open a clothing company. He is a fashion designer himself and is quite famous in the industry.

He used to work for others. Seeing that Roland's company's business was getting better and better, he also moved to start a company.

However, the funds in his and Roland's hands were not enough, so Jiang Zhiying was brought in.

Jiang Zhiying is a black witch doctor with very magical power and amazing medical skills.

Not only can it bring them a variety of contacts, but also never dictate the company's operations.

Compared with those ambitious investors, she is simply an angel investor!

Therefore, the nephews and uncles decisively brought Jiang Zhiying into the team.

Jiang Zhiying also made a lot of money from other businesses. Seeing that the clothes designed by Uncle Roland were very good, she invested money in it.

But this time, she didn't have a special formula and no stock solution, so she only took 40% of the shares, and the remaining 60% was divided between Roland and his uncle.

With ample funding, the clothing company was quickly set up.

Uncle Roland thought that Jiang Shixun's paintings were good, so he bought them from Jiang Shixun and printed them on his clothes.

Jiang Shixun took the opportunity to recommend Longguo's silk and embroidery. Both Roland and his uncle liked it very much. Unfortunately, they didn't dare to take too many steps when the company was just established. You can put this thing down first and go later.

Before you know it, time flies by, and it soon arrives in 1981.

Jiang Shixun's study abroad career is coming to an end, and he will soon be able to return to China.


In the Gothic-style villa, the fortune-teller, wearing a black cloak and showing only a small chin, sat quietly at the table.

There was a black cat on her lap, and there were black tarot cards and clear crystal balls on the table in front of her.

The black cat has golden pupils, but his eyes are very cold, like a soul enchanting messenger in hell.

This fortune-teller was naturally Jiang Zhiying.

She is eight years old this year. Although she is not young, she is already a famous fortune-teller.

Relying on the cover up, everyone thought she was mysterious and powerful, but no one knew that she was actually an eight-year-old child.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman sat opposite her, who was her client this time.

The woman has blonde hair and blue eyes and looks very beautiful, but unfortunately she is very haggard at this time. I don't know how many times she has cried, her eyes are red from crying, and her blonde hair has lost its luster.

She is the wife of a wealthy businessman. She came to Jiang Zhiying this time because she wanted Jiang Zhiying to help her find her missing eldest daughter.

Listening to Mrs. Dawn's description, her eldest daughter is only 16 years old this year, but she is already very rebellious.

She was dissatisfied with Mrs. Dwayne's strict control. After arguing with Mrs. Dawn, she drove out, and then there was no news.

Mrs. Dawn and her husband were very worried about this, and they were always trying to find their daughter for fear that something would happen to their daughter.

The next two chapters are going to be late again, Sang Xin.

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