80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 965 Divination Results

The couple called the police, but unfortunately, after the police investigation, they did not find any clues, nor did they find any evidence that Miss Dawn had suffered an accident.

In addition, there are too many cases, they can't just hold on to this matter, the Dawn and his wife can only ask others for help.

They posted a bounty in the hope that a bounty hunter would help them find their missing daughter.

However, there are too few clues, and there has been no good news.

After all, there were no cameras everywhere, and no internet.

Finding a person from the vast sea of ​​people is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Jiang Zhiying didn't know about this before, otherwise she would have taken the order and helped find someone.

Although she is also a bounty hunter, every time she takes orders, she goes through a middleman. After all, there are too many lists of various kinds, and it would be too time-consuming for her to find those news by herself.

So she found a middleman to help her filter those lists, pick out the high-paying ones she likes to do, and tell her.

Although this list has a high reward, but there are too few clues, the other party did not recommend her.

So Jiang Zhiying didn't know.

Hearing Madam Dawn's cry at this time, Jiang Zhiying knew something in her heart.

She took another deep look at Mrs. Dwayne and looked at her face. Soon, her heart sank slightly.

The experience of that Miss Dawn was not good, and now her situation is also quite bad, and she even has the appearance of premature death. If she is not rescued as soon as possible, she will probably...

Jiang Zhiying's thoughts flickered, but she calmly used tarot cards to give Mrs. Dawn a divination.

Apocalypse also had tarot cards, and she played it at the time. The environment of the apocalypse is too harsh, and those survivors who are low in strength and in constant fear will inevitably pin their hopes on divination.

She had to change into a different vest to sneak into the safe zone, so she occasionally pretended to be a fortune-teller. It's just that at that time, she only had the ability to swallow, and she didn't know how to look at people's faces.

So she can only use the rules of tarot to help people divination. As for how accurate it is, she doesn't know.

After arriving in the Vulture Country, she inquired and found that there were also tarot cards and fortune-tellers here, so she learned the rules here and used it to pretend to be a fortune-teller.

But she really knows how to read it now, so it's not a lie, she just used tarot cards and crystal balls to disguise.

After all, the ability to look at looks has something to do with the Dragon Kingdom. Jiang Zhiying didn't want to expose herself, so she naturally wanted to put on a vest.

At this time, she was quite proficient in divination. After Mrs. Dawn drew the card, she quickly gave the divination result.

She can't see the specific location of Miss Dawn for the time being, but she has seen a general range. As long as she finds it herself, she will definitely be able to find it soon.

At this time, she also told Mrs. Dawn the address: "She is in a bad situation. You'd better find her as soon as possible, or she will be in danger."

In fact, judging from Mrs. Dawn's face, that Miss Dawn's situation is quite bad. But Mrs. Dawn was about to collapse, so Jiang Zhiying didn't want to stimulate her, so she deliberately said it was not that serious.

Sure enough, as soon as she said these words, Mrs. Dawn was greatly stimulated and burst into tears.

Jiang Zhiying did not comfort her, but said lightly: "She needs you very much now, you must find a way to save her. Go to the bounty hunter. As long as she is fast enough, she will be fine."

When Mrs. Dawn heard that her daughter needed her, she immediately cheered up: "Okay, I'll find someone to save her!"

I once watched a foreign TV series investigating a case, and basically every episode had a case. After watching too much, I felt that it was very dangerous abroad.

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