80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 968 Her Experience

Miss Dawn couldn't believe her eyes!

She even saw her mother!

Are you dreaming?

No, here is...

Rolling her eyes, she quickly recognized that this was her familiar home, not that horrible hell!

Suddenly, she saw the card on her body.

The card is black, with two gilded letters JK on it, and a circle of tangled vines around it.

Seeing those two words, Miss Dawn suddenly recalled the words she heard before she passed out——

"I'm JK, I'm here to rescue you."

She clutched at the soft blanket nervously, and only one thought remained in her mind: So am I saved now?

Just as she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, there was a dense pain in her body, madly reminding her of the terrible experience she had experienced in the past month or so.

Her eyes reddened in pain, tears streaming out of her, feeling shameful and embarrassed, wishing to disappear in place.

At this time, Mrs. Dawn hugged her distressedly: "Nancy, don't be afraid, you're home now, it's safe here, mom and dad are here, it's fine."

Nancy felt her mother's warm embrace, and soon burst into tears.

Mr. Dawn stood aside, listening to her cry, looking at the mother and daughter hugging each other, feeling more distressed and angry.

The precious daughter he had been holding in his hand was actually bullied like this!

If you let him know who did it, he will definitely send that person to hell!

Soon he heard his daughter's hoarse voice, and hurriedly poured a glass of water and handed it to her to drink.

Nancy drank water, looked at her parents who were worried about her, and suddenly felt less sad.

Seeing that she had recovered, Mr. Dawn asked what happened to her.

By the time Nancy finished talking about what had happened to her over the past month, the couple already hated it so much that they wanted to kill!

It turned out that after an argument with Mrs. Dawn that day, Nancy drove out alone and nearly hit someone on the road. She was frightened, and quickly apologized to the man, only to find that it was a handsome young man.

He has chestnut hair, has a bright smile when he smiles, and is very talkative.

Nancy felt unhappy at the time, so she chatted with him.

As a result, the more we chatted, the more speculative I became. I learned that the other party wanted to go home, but the wallet was stolen, and all the documents and money were gone. After I wanted to find a kind person to ride home, I offered to drive him back.

The man was humorous and funny, she had a good chat with him, and she was reluctant to be separated like this, thinking that if they could drive him back, they could chat all the way, it would definitely be very interesting.

Who would have thought that after she sent the man home, the man and his father and brother would arrest her and lock her in that terrible basement!

It was a farm, and there was no one else within a ten-kilometer radius.

She broke her throat every day, and no one came back to save her.

Those people would still beat her.

Sometimes she even wanted to die, but when she thought about her parents and siblings, she couldn't help herself.

She has been getting weaker and weaker recently, and she finds that those people are getting crazy and seem to have lost interest in her.

She even heard the other party say he was going to kill her!

She was terrified at the time, very worried that she would not survive this evening.

Unexpectedly, he saw the mysterious person. The other party not only locked those people in the basement, but also rescued her and sent her home.

Thinking of this, Nancy couldn't help shedding tears of the rest of her life.

It's good that she's alive, she's home.

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