Jiang Zhiying received the reward from Mrs. Dawn.

She received two gratuities, one for JK's 200,000 Vulture Coins for rescuing Miss Dawn. return

One was her reward for being a fortune teller.

Yesterday, she divination for Mrs. Dwayne found out the whereabouts of Miss Dwayne. At that time, because she had not found Miss Dwayne, she only received 10,000 vulture coins for the divination, and she had not yet received the balance.

Today, Mrs. Dawn couldn't wait to send the final payment of 100,000 Vulture Coins. She thanked Jiang Zhiying for helping her fortune tell her daughter's whereabouts, and reminded her to find a bounty hunter to save her.

After listening to her daughter's account last night, she realized how dangerous her daughter's situation was.

If it's later, the daughter is likely to be dead!

The daughter still has many injuries and is very weak. She and her husband took their daughter to the police overnight, and then went to a high-end private hospital for a physical examination.

She didn't know until the test results came out that her daughter's condition was very serious. Because she ate too little, her body was severely malnourished and very weak.

There are also the shocking scars on her body, many of which have been inflamed and festered, and must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Then there is the daughter's psychological problems. Because of this more than one month experience, she has been greatly traumatized, and she is very afraid of men.

Even Mr. Dwayne, his biological father, was terrified and uneasy when he was alone with her.

This situation is already very serious, and psychological treatment is necessary, otherwise Miss Dawn will not be able to live a normal life in the future.

Mrs. Dawn was very saddened by her daughter's experience, and at the same time thanked Jiang Zhiying very much, so she sent the money very timely, for fear of offending Jiang Zhiying, a powerful fortune-teller.

Not only that, she asked Jiang Zhiying to do a divination again, wondering if her daughter could recover.

Jiang Zhiying didn't help her with divination this time, but recommended her a mysterious black witch doctor—well, another vest of her own.

When she rescued Miss Dwayne yesterday, she had seen Miss Dwayne's injury. That Miss Dawn's body is very bad, and the psychological trauma is even more serious. Except for her black witch doctor, it is difficult for others to completely cure her.

If Mrs. Dawn asks her to help treat Miss Dawn, she will make another profit.

At this time, where can I be so embarrassed to receive Mrs. Dawn's divination reward?

Mrs. Dwayne quickly thanked her and left in a hurry.

Although she is very grateful to Jiang Zhiying, she has to go back to check the black witch doctor first, and then she can decide whether to ask the black witch doctor to help her daughter.

Jiang Zhiying guessed it, but didn't care.

She believed that Mrs. Dawn would definitely come to her.

After all, she now has a pretty good reputation on the road.

Sure enough, three days later, Roland told her about Mrs. Dawn and Miss Dawn, hoping she could help Miss Dawn with treatment.

Apparently, Mrs. Dawn found out about Roland after inquiring and asked Roland for help.

And the other party asked for the door in such a short time, it can be seen that Miss Dawn's situation is very bad.

This is indeed the case.

Miss Dawn's psychological trauma was too serious, and she felt uneasy when she was treated in the hospital. Even though the hospital specially arranged for a female doctor and a female nurse, the men who passed by or came from outside the door occasionally spoke. The sound made her feel extremely frightened.

Mrs. Dawn was naturally distressed, so after inquiring about the magical black witch doctor, she decided to take a gamble.

Jiang Zhiying: I can make a little money again~

Xiao Rin: Does your conscience not hurt?

Jiang Zhiying akimbo: That's why I didn't do divination for her for the second time. If I did divination, I could make a lot of money again!

Xiao Rin: ...

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