80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 970 Room with Mysterious Power

Jiang Zhiying had been waiting for Mrs. Dawn to send her money, and naturally she would not refuse.

So after Mrs. Dawn was informed, she planned to bring her daughter to seek medical treatment that day.

Mr. Dawn was not at ease and came with him.

The family of three came to Jiang Zhiying's villa in a private car.

When Jiang Zhiying met them, she saw Miss Dawn sitting nervously between her parents, smiling and inviting the three of them to drink tea.

Miss Dawn was obviously nervous, but Jiang Zhiying was dressed as a woman, so her resistance was not that strong.

After drinking tea, Miss Dawn quickly fell asleep.

The couple was startled, and Mr. Dawn was even more anxious to stare at Jiang Zhiying, and asked sharply, "What did you drink for her!"

"Of course it's medicine." Jiang Zhiying still smiled, "Didn't you bring her here for treatment? Of course she needs medicine. Now you take her with me, trust me, you'll see each other soon. A lively daughter."

Although Mr. Dawn is still angry, he thinks that they are indeed here to treat his daughter, and before he came, he specially asked the patient of the black witch doctor, and asked several times, all of them said that her medical skills are very amazing. Medicine to cure.

Then he decided to bring his daughter to try it.

Now that people have come, they cannot give up halfway.

So he nodded, holding back his anger and worry, picked up his daughter and followed Jiang Zhiying.

Mrs. Dawn was worried and followed.

Jiang Zhiying took them upstairs and came to a room full of mystery.

This room was specially decorated by her.

There are double doors, and the doors are painted with strange patterns, which is very ceremonial and makes people feel very mysterious.

Open the door and enter, it is an empty room. In the middle of the house stood a long table covered with black cloth.

The surrounding walls are painted with magical magic circles and incantations.

There are also many white candles.

It looked like a room where some sort of mysterious ceremony was being held.

Of course, these are all props used by Jiang Zhiying to pretend, and they don't have any mysterious power.

What really worked was the Spirit Gathering Jade Talisman that Jiang Zhiying hid in the four corners.

She used a jade talisman to create a spirit gathering formation, so that no matter who walked into this room, it would feel very comfortable, as if the whole body had been baptized.

When Jiang Zhiying entered the room, she couldn't help taking a breath, and hooked her lips in satisfaction.

She always had her back to the family of three behind her, and of course she couldn't look back in order to pretend. But in order to prevent the other party from playing tricks or even plotting against each other, she has been observing them with mental power.

Sure enough, after the Dawn couple walked into this room, they couldn't help showing a relieved look.

Immediately afterwards, the two seemed to realize something, and looked at each other in shock, with deep shock and amazement on their faces.

Jiang Zhiying smiled even more satisfied.

Then she walked to the long table and turned to look at them: "Put her here, and then you can go and wait below."

Perhaps it was the mysterious power that shook the room too much. The couple did not resist this time. They quickly put their daughter on the long table and withdrew respectfully.

When they retreated outside the door, Jiang Zhiying smiled mysteriously: "Don't try to open other doors, otherwise if you see something terrible, you can only bear the consequences."

The couple was startled, and then they saw Jiang Zhiying waved and the two doors suddenly closed!


The sound of the door closing scared the couple back to their senses.

They looked at each other with nervousness and anticipation in their hearts, and awe for Jiang Zhiying, a powerful and mysterious existence.

Xiao Rin: Let you pretend.

Jiang Zhiying: Yes, I am a professional!

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