80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 984 Guess, dangerous elements

It wasn't just Tang Yulan who came to pick up the plane this time, Jiang Shiyun and Lu Changlin also came.

Originally, Jiang Shiyi also wanted to come, but she had to stay at home to look after the children, so she couldn't get away.

Jiang Fuguo and Shen Wanqing were both busy setting up factories in the south, and they were so busy there that they couldn't find time to come back to pick up Jiang Shixun.

After they left, only Tang Yulan and Jiang Shiyi were left in the Jiang family. Jiang Shian was still a child himself, how could the two of them let him stay at home alone to look after the child?

Jiang Zhiwen and Jiang Zhiyan are more than three years old now, and they are almost four years old. They are at the age of running and making trouble. They are very lively all day long, and they always like to pester others to ask where Jiang Shixun and Jiang Zizhiying are.

Today, Jiang Shixun and Jiang Zhiying came back from the Vulture Country. After they knew about it, they wanted to pick them up together, but there were too many people at the airport, so Tang Yulan and Jiang Shiyi were not at ease to let them come to the airport because they were afraid that there would be traffickers.

Two adults, Tang Yulan and Jiang Shiyi, must stay at home. Jiang Shiyi knew that Tang Yulan missed her so much, so she offered to stay at home.

After Jiang Shiyun and Lu Changlin found out, they were worried that Tang Yulan would pick up the plane alone, so they also followed.

After Jiang Shixun finished talking to Tang Yulan, he walked over and saw them.

The two sides looked at each other and smiled, feeling the long-lost kindness.

Lu Changlin took the initiative to say: "There are too many people here, it's a mess, and it's not a place to talk. I asked someone to borrow a car, and the car was parked outside. Let's go back first."

Jiang Shixun nodded, having experienced the kind of thing just now, he doesn't want to stay at the airport at all now.

Lu Changlin borrowed a jeep, and some people went outside and got into the car one after another.

As soon as she sat down, Tang Yulan couldn't wait to pull Jiang Shixun and asked, "Brother Jiang, what happened? Is there really a bomb?"

Jiang Shixun sighed: "Actually, I don't know what happened, but something bad must have been found on the plane I was on.

This matter is probably not simple, but it should have nothing to do with us. "

The others nodded cautiously. Of course, they all knew that this kind of thing must be confidential and should not be spread indiscriminately.

Tang Yulan asked nervously, "Could it be that the spy is playing tricks again?"

Jiang Shixun shook his head, thinking of the chaos that had occurred at the Vulture Country Airport before, and guessed: "It should be foreign dangerous elements, but their target will definitely not be me and Zhuzhu."

Not long after Xiao Yan returned to China, he personally visited the house and specially invited them to Xiao's house, saying that he wanted to thank them for taking care of Xiao Rin and not making the child suffer more.

Jiang Shixun is not a saint, so he is naturally happy to have a friendship with the Xiao family.

After that visit, Xiao Yan asked him about Huichundan and said he wanted to buy it.

Jiang Shixun wanted to give him one, but Xiao Yan insisted on giving money. He didn't want to ask for too high a price, so let Xiao Yan try the medicine first.

Later, the old lady of the Xiao family took the medicine, and her health actually improved a lot. The Xiao family was very happy. Xiao Yan bought ten more medicines from him, giving a total of 11,000, which is definitely a big deal.

They also formed a good friendship because of this.

Knowing that he was going to study in the Vulture Country, it was Xiao Yan who reminded him to keep a low profile and stay out of the limelight, and even told him about the threatening letter.

So for more than two years after he went abroad, he has been very low-key.

Jiang Shixun didn't think those people would stare at a small person like him.

Jiang Shixun: I am a passerby who was implicated by innocent people.

Desperado: (っ╥╯﹏╰╥c)

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