80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 985 Can you forget about this?

Tang Yulan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Jiang Shixun said that the other party was not targeting him and Jiang Zhiying.

Neither of the couple thought that Jiang Shixun and Jiang Zhiying were the targets of those people.

Jiang Shiyun and Lu Changlin listened and realized that this was not easy, and they were smart enough not to ask any further questions.

Lu Changlin wanted to avoid this topic, so he deliberately asked, "Ah Xun, I heard from Dad that you got an investment in the Vulture Country, which is amazing."

This was actually revealed by Jiang Fuguo on purpose.

But he did this not to show off, but to fear that people would suspect the Jiang family.

It takes a lot of money to set up a factory, not to mention that Jiang Shixun is not running a small factory this time.

Although it only produces small electrical appliances, it costs a lot of money to buy production lines, not to mention that foreign production equipment is notoriously expensive!

The Jiang family suddenly took out so much money, how could they not be targeted?

When others know about this, they have to wonder where the Jiang family got the money.

Did you get it from abroad, or did you hide gold or something valuable in the past?

Therefore, Jiang Fuguo deliberately disclosed that Jiang Shixun got the investment.

As Jiang Shiyun's husband, Lu Changlin naturally knows more than outsiders.

He is still in college and has no money to start a business. However, seeing Jiang Shixun getting investment and starting a factory, he was inevitably moved.

At the beginning, he wanted to cure Jiang Shiyun's scar, so he applied for a medical major. Later, he learned that Jiang Shiyun had no scars, so he changed to the pharmaceutical major, intending to specialize in pharmaceuticals.

Even if he starts a business in the future, he also intends to be a pharmaceutical factory, but he has not graduated yet, and he still has more to learn in the future.

If nothing else, I am afraid I will have to study abroad in the future to learn advanced foreign pharmaceutical concepts and technologies.

So some boiled.

Jiang Shixun smiled modestly: "That's right, but it's just the initial investment, and the money is not much. If the factory can be run well and get a lot of orders, it may be possible to get more investment in the future."

Lu Changlin was full of envy, but he didn't have any jealousy at all. He congratulated Jiang Shixun: "That would be great! Ah Xun, you have the ability, you used to be able to help the commune run the factory in the countryside.

Now that you have gone abroad to study and set up your own factory again, I believe that you will be able to do a good job, make the factory bigger and stronger, and get more investment! "

Although Jiang Shixun had plans for a long time, he was quite confident in himself. However, hearing Lu Changlin say this, he still laughed heartily, feeling very happy.

He let out a bold statement: "Then it's your auspicious words, I will definitely make the factory bigger and stronger!"

Tang Yulan on the side looked at Jiang Shixun staringly, her eyes shining so brightly that Jiang Zhiying couldn't even see it.

But she was sitting between the two of them, and she couldn't even pretend that she couldn't see it, she could only pretend that she didn't exist.

Who knew that Lu Changlin suddenly asked her again: "Zhuzhu has grown a lot taller this time, and everyone has lost weight. Did you not eat abroad?"

Jiang Zhiying was immediately upset: "..."

Can you forget about this?

She is finally slim, can you forget about her previous dark history?

Besides, she used to be young, so she could be said to be cute when she was fat. Now she is almost 1.4 meters tall. If she gets fatter, can she still watch it?

When Lu Changlin mentioned this, Tang Yulan immediately stared at Jiang Zhiying. After holding her face and looking at it for a while, she said disappointedly: "Zhuzhu is really thin!

Definitely not eating well abroad! But it's okay, in the future, at home, Mom will make up for you! "

Jiang Zhiying quit immediately!

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