80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 986 Light bulbs, talking about objects

Jiang Zhiying said unconvincedly, "Mom, you remembered wrongly, I have always been of this standard body shape, how can I be fat before."

The four adults who heard this made her speechless: "..."

Did you forget what you were like before? Can that look be called thin?

Lu Changlin who was driving couldn't help but wink at Jiang Shiyun, Jiang Shiyun hurriedly motioned him not to talk too much.

Jiang Zhiying finally came back, and if they wanted to cry in anger, they would have sinned a lot.

The two winked at each other for a while, making Jiang Zhiying extremely speechless.

What are you doing? Is she that scary?

What did she just say?

One by one, this reaction is too much!

Jiang Zhiying was so angry that she pulled Jiang Shixun: "Dad, tell me, was I fat before?"

Jiang Shixun: "..."

What does this make him say?

If he said he was fat, the girl would have to rush with him, but if he said he was not fat, Tang Yulan would have to rush with him.

"Cough," Jiang Shixun coughed awkwardly, "Zhuzhu's current figure is quite standard, not thin at all."

Joke, she has Shennong space, can she lack food? She will not be short of anyone who is short of food.

It was clear that this girl became more beautiful when she grew up, and deliberately made herself thinner.

In fact, when Jiang Shixun saw Jiang Zhiying lose weight, he was also anxious, thinking that she was sick or had a bad appetite.

After careful observation, I found that this girl actually eats a lot. But I don't know why, not only did she not gain weight, but she became thinner and thinner.

Jiang Shixun worried for a while, seeing that she was not sick, and she was still very strong, so she didn't care.

But I didn't want Tang Yulan to suddenly ask about this matter, and even stimulated the girl badly.

When Jiang Zhiying heard Jiang Shixun's answer, she pouted and was barely satisfied.

Then she looked at Tang Yulan confidently: "Mom, you heard it all, and Dad also said that I have a standard body!"

Tang Yulan was speechless: Is that what your dad wanted to say? Not forced by you?

She glared at Jiang Shixun again: And you, how did you become a father? You've made your daughter thin, and you're still indulging her! What's wrong with being fat? Children only need to be fat to be strong!

Jiang Shixun saw what she meant, and felt helpless for a while, but he didn't dare to refute.

Didn't he know Tang Yulan's temper? If I refute it now, I have to lay the floor tonight.

He held Tang Yulan's hand flatteringly: "Zhuzhu is really not thin, she has a good appetite."

Tang Yulan was embarrassed now, she clapped his hands away, and nervously glanced at Lu Changlin and Jiang Shiyun who were sitting in front, for fear that they would find out.

Jiang Shixun could see her nervousness, plus Jiang Zhiying, the super light bulb, was still sitting in the middle, so he didn't dare to hold her hand any more, and he was completely honest.

It was a bit boring to just sit and not talk, so he asked Tang Yulan, "Have you all been okay at home all these years?"

"Don't worry, everything is fine at home." Tang Yulan rolled her eyes at him and suddenly thought of something, "By the way, my little sister has found a partner. I've seen it, she's okay, and she's very good at studying. "

"Little sister found a partner?" Jiang Shixun suddenly couldn't laugh. "What kind of person is he? What's his name? Where is his home? How old are you? Have you gone to college?"

Seeing that he was concerned, Tang Yulan deliberately didn't tell him: "You'll know when you meet someone, he should be at home now."

Jiang Shixun's face stinks: "Is he still at home?"

Jiang Zhiying was also a little concerned: Has my aunt talked to someone?

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