80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 988 Jiang Zhiying is a little jealous

Because of their doubts about Chu Ming, the four adults in the car felt heavy for the rest of the journey. Only Jiang Zhiying had some expectations and was not worried.

She felt that Jiang Shiyi was not like the kind of silly woman who lost her head for so-called love, so she was not worried that Jiang Shiyi would be sad because Chu Ming was a scumbag.

Of course, if Chu Ming is not a scumbag, then there is no need to worry.

Tang Yulan and others were not as open as she thought, and their hearts were always heavy.

Fortunately, after worrying all the way, the car finally arrived at Jiang's house.

Hearing the sound of the car, someone immediately opened the door, stuck his head out, and glanced carefully.

It was Jiang Shian.

Recognizing the car driven by Lu Changlin, his eyes instantly brightened, he opened the door and ran out, shouting excitedly, "Why did you guys come back!"

Jiang Shixun opened the car door and got out of the car to get his luggage.

He and Jiang Zhiying's luggage was not too much, but not a lot.

Although it is very convenient to have space, they have been living abroad for more than two years, and now they are finally back. If there is too little luggage, it will inevitably make people think more.

So to be cautious, Jiang Shixun still packed a lot of obvious luggage.

One is a large suitcase, which contains the books he has studied over the years, as well as oil paints.

One is a backpack, which is full of clothes and stuff.

Jiang Zhiying also carried a backpack on her shoulders, which contained her and Jiang Shixun's documents, as well as snacks and comic books.

Jiang Shixun got out of the car with his luggage, and Jiang Zhiying followed excitedly.

When he walked to Jiang Shian, he saw that he had not seen him for more than two years. The boy had grown a lot taller, and he should be one meter seven.

But this is the height of wearing shoes, if you take off your shoes, even if it is not 1.7 meters, it should be close.

Jiang Zhiying was a little jealous. She is less than 1.4 meters tall now, and she is too slow!

Jiang Shian was very happy to see her: "Oh, Zhuzhu, you have grown taller!"

Jiang Zhiying lifted her chin proudly: "You have grown taller too."

Jiang Shian couldn't help smirking when she heard her talk about herself. He looked at Jiang Zhiying, frowned when he saw it, and asked worriedly, "Why are you so thin, Zhuzhu? Can't you get enough to eat outside?"

The smile on Jiang Zhiying's face disappeared instantly: "..."

She stared at Jiang Shi'an depressedly, and emphasized: "You remember wrong, I have always been so thin!"

Jiang Shian immediately retorted: "How can there be? You used to be very... woo woo!"

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Zhiying suddenly stuffed a big red apple!

Jiang Shian smelled the fruity aroma, and instinctively opened his mouth to bite the apple. It's just that the apple is so big that he bites so hard that his teeth are stuck on it.

He was so anxious that he hurriedly supported the apple with his hands, and then he carefully pulled out his teeth. Then he looked at the tooth marks and saliva on it, and stared at Jiang Zhiying with a little dejection: "Zhuzhu, why don't you tell me anything? Give me apples?"

Jiang Zhiying deftly diverted his attention: "Try to see if it's sweet or not."

Jiang Shian was really fooled, and quickly took a bite. He only heard a "click", and he bit off a piece of apple, and the sound was particularly clear.

Others heard the voice and looked over. Tang Yulan said in surprise: "What kind of apple is this? It looks weird."

No, the appearance of this apple is obviously not very similar to the domestic apple.

Jiang Zhiying raised her chin and was about to take it again, when she suddenly and acutely noticed that someone was looking at her.

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