80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 989: Chu Ming's Mind

Jiang Zhiying looked sharply, and soon saw a little white face wearing glasses.

The man was standing inside the door, several steps away from the gate. He didn't know whether it was because he was wearing glasses or standing in the shade of a tree, and his eyes looked a little dark.

Jiang Zhiying suddenly looked over and seemed to startle him, and his expression changed obviously.

Jiang Zhiying saw it in her eyes and pursed her lips. Because of her young age, she stared straight at him without any restraint.

This person should be Jiang Shiyi's current object, Chu Ming.

She wanted to see if this Chu Ming was a human or a ghost!

Don't say that he is only Jiang Shiyi's object now, even if he and Jiang Shiyi are already married, as long as he dares to make crooked ideas, she will never make him feel better!

Chu Ming: "!!!"

He couldn't explain why, but he suddenly felt very nervous.

By the way, that little girl is Jiang Shiyi's little niece named Zhuzhu, right? Such a young girl was actually sent abroad, and the Jiang family really doted on their children.

She is so young, what's the use of going abroad? Just a waste of money.

When he gets married to Jiang Shiyi in the future...

As soon as Chu Ming thought of this, he suddenly noticed that Jiang Shixun was looking at him. He was instantly nervous and didn't dare to think any more.

Jiang Zhiying was just a little girl, so she didn't need to care. But this Jiang Shixun, he did not dare to take it lightly.

This man was able to study abroad at a young age, and is said to have made a lot of money abroad.

Such a person is certainly not simple, he must be cautious.

Chu Ming raised a gentle smile, strode to the door, and warmly extended his hand to Jiang Shixun: "You are Comrade Jiang Shixun, right? Hello Comrade Jiang, I'm Comrade Jiang Shiyi's right..."

Jiang Shixun didn't want to hear the word "object", so he interrupted him: "Are you Chu Ming?"

Although it was only a short question, the attitude was not very polite.

The smile on Chu Ming's face faded, and soon he raised his smile again: "Yes, I am Chu Ming, I listen to poetry..."

Jiang Shixun interrupted him again: "Please call Comrade Xiao Jiang, you are all college students, it is best to pay attention to the influence and not learn those bad habits."

Chu Ming couldn't laugh anymore. He asked bluntly, "Comrade Jiang, did you misunderstand me?"

At this time, Jiang Shiyi strode out, and immediately greeted Jiang Shixun excitedly after seeing Jiang Shixun: "Second brother! You are back! Why are you standing at the door? Come in!"

When Chu Ming heard it, he quickly said, "Give me the box, I'll get it."

At this time, Lu Changlin parked the car and walked over. He smiled politely at Chu Ming: "No, you are a guest, go and sit, I'll just come."

He said, and took the suitcase in Jiang Shixun's hand. Jiang Shixun did not refuse, and handed it directly to him.

Seeing this, Chu Ming had no choice but to move out of the way with a smile and let them in.

Soon everyone entered the door, and Tang Yulan closed the door smoothly, blocking those who looked outside.

Jiang Shixun and Lu Changlin went to the backyard to put their luggage first, but Jiang Zhiying didn't follow and kept looking up at Chu Ming.

In fact, it was rude to stare at people all the time, and Chu Ming was a little uncomfortable to be seen by Jiang Zhiying. But Jiang Zhiying was still a little girl. Even if he was dissatisfied, he had to laugh and coax her: "Is your name Zhuzhu?"

Jiang Zhiying looked at him and asked directly, "Who are you? Why are you at my house?"

Her voice is very pleasant, because she has grown up, not as milky as when she was a child, but like an oriole, crisp and sweet, and it is easy to make people feel good.

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