80s Taoism

Chapter 580 Come to Taste Tea

Just after class, Xu Chuanan immediately entangled Zhang Jiaohua.

"Call the flower, call the flower, do your magic trick again!"

Zhang Jiaohua had no choice but to throw the ballpoint pen in the air, and flicked the ballpoint pen in the air with his hand.

"No, it wasn't like this just now." Xu Chuanan immediately shook his head, "Just now the ballpoint pen was completely hovering in the air, and you flicked it lightly with your hand, and the ballpoint pen started to spin. The speed is not fast, and your manual movement is not fast either."

"Show me your act, I can't act anyway." Zhang Jiaohua naturally would not agree.

"It's really strange. Could it be that I'm confused?" Xu Chuan'an scratched his head.

When school was over, Xu Chuanan still pestered Zhang Jiaohua and chased him all the way to the school gate.

"Hey, Zhang Jiaohua!" A beautiful figure stood not far away, constantly waving at Zhang Jiaohua. Ji Jiaxin stood there with a smile all the time, waiting for Zhang Jiaohua to walk over.

Xu Chuanan, who was still hanging around Zhang Jiaohua, was dumbfounded: "This Zhang Jiaohua is really lucky. Why do so many beautiful girls like Zhang Jiaohua? If Xu Xiaoting also comes, it will be very lively."

Xu Chuanan looked back, but Xu Xiaoting hadn't come out yet. Xu Xiaoting didn't talk to Zhang Jiaohua much these days, could it be because of Zhang Jiaohua and this girl?

Just when Xu Chuanan was thinking wildly, Zhang Jiaohua had already walked to Ji Jiaxin's side.

"Why did you come here?" Zhang Jiaohua asked strangely.

"I asked for leave. Otherwise, you would have disappeared after school. I have been waiting for you here for a long time." Ji Jiaxin smiled.

"Are you looking for something with me?" Zhang Jiaohua asked puzzled.

This made Ji Jiaxin very dissatisfied: "What? I can't find you if I have nothing to do?"

Zhang Jiaohua quickly explained: "No, it's not. I just feel a little strange."

Ji Jiaxin took out an invitation letter from her pocket, "Your tea factory has produced new tea again? Did you concoct it?"

Zhang Jiaohua nodded: "It's okay. I made some new tea, take it out and take a picture."

"I knew that the tea leaves auctioned by Xu Xiaoting's auction house must have been taken from you." Ji Jiaxin laughed.

"Is that why you came here?" Zhang Jiaohua asked.

"No. I only thought of you because of the tea leaves. You said you were going to find me to play with. Why haven't you been seen?" Ji Jiaxin said angrily.

"You asked for leave on purpose, just to come here to ask the teacher?" Zhang Jiaohua asked in surprise.

"Of course not. You told me that if you release a new tea, I will have a share. I haven't tasted your new tea yet." Ji Jiaxin said.

"This is easy. Go to Koufu Restaurant. I'll let Fatty brew some for you later." Zhang Jiaohua said.

Both of them are much more mature than their peers, talking together is like two adults. However, the two fit together quite well. Ji Jiaxin is carefree, and Zhang Jiaohua is also free and easy.

Xu Xiaoting came out relatively late. Xu Chuan'an was still waiting at the door. Originally, he planned to help Zhang Jiaohua cover up, but now he began to hesitate to tell Xu Xiaoting Zhang Jiaohua's true face. Although Zhang Jiaohua and Zhang Jiaohua are brothers, Zhang Jiaohua made such a big mistake this time that he stepped on two boats. Xu Chuanan felt that he should kill relatives righteously.

"Xu Chuan'an, it's been so long since school, why haven't you gone back?" Xu Xiaoting asked.

"Um, I wasn't with Zhang Jiaohua just now." Xu Chuan'an hesitated, and when Xu Xiaoting opened his mouth, Xu Chuan'an almost said the wrong thing in a panic.

"Zhang Jiaohua? Zhang Jiaohua hasn't returned yet?" Xu Xiaoting looked around.

"Let's go, they've already left." Xu Chuan'an said.

"They?" Xu Xiaoting asked a little strangely. Usually Zhang Jiaohua goes home alone.

"Well, it seems that he also lives in Jiluba Hutong." Xu Chuanan said bravely.

"It turned out to be like this. Zhang Jiaohua and Jilu know everyone in the alley well." Xu Xiaoting was not surprised either. On the contrary, Xu Chuan'an was a little strange today. Could it be something else?

"Xu Chuan'an, who are you waiting for?" Xu Xiaoting asked casually.

"No, I'm not waiting for anyone." Xu Chuanan ran away in a panic.

Zhang Jiaohua and Ji Jiaxin walked side by side to Koufu Restaurant.

"Why is the tea called Spirit Tea this time? It used to be called Jasper Immortal Drink and Red Jade Immortal Drink. It sounds like the name Jasper Spirit Tea is a little worse." Ji Jiaxin asked.

"You'll know when you drink it. This spiritual tea is much better than any tea before." Zhang Jiaohua said.

"That's better, it's not in vain for my girl to skip class and run out once." Ji Jiaxin accidentally slipped her mouth.

Seeing that Zhang Jiaohua heard it, Ji Jiaxin said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I don't want to skip class. It's just that the teacher asked me to contact a unit just now, and I came back earlier, but I don't want to go back to school. I suddenly thought of you. Come and have a look."

Zhang Jiaohua said with a smile: "You don't have to be nervous, anyway, I won't complain to your teacher."

"Who's afraid. When I was abroad, the foreign teachers were very loose. I can do anything in class. Now I'm like a silly duck, being instilled in my head by different teachers. I don't want to go to school anymore. It's all my parents' fault, and they insisted on taking me back." Ji Jiaxin was very distressed.

The two of them were talking, and before they knew it, they had arrived at Koufu Restaurant.

Wu Yuan, who was receiving guests at the door, immediately burst into a smile: "Beggar, did you bring your friends?"

Zhang Jiaohua nodded: "This is the fat man I told you about, but his name is actually Wu Yuan."

Zhang Jiaohua turned back to Wu Yuan and said: "I told you this before. I met friends when I was a child abroad when I participated in the World Food Tasting Conference. Their family has helped me a lot. She wants to drink our spirit tea, so go and make some for her."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Wu Yuan acted swiftly.

After Zhang Jiaohua sat with Ji Jiaxin for a while, Wu Yuan came out with two cups of tea. Just the aroma of tea leaves overflowing from the mouth of the cup is intoxicating.

"Hey, it seems! Why is this tea so fragrant?"

"The taste is so good. It feels like fairy tea."

"What kind of tea is this? Why can't I smell it at all?"

The smell of spirit tea spilled caught the attention of customers sitting not far away.

Ji Jiaxin hadn't tasted it yet, she just sniffed it and said, "I'm afraid to taste it anymore, I'm worried that after taking a sip, I won't be able to drink any more tea in the future."

"If you like it, you can come and ask me anytime, and the rest of the tea will be yours later." Zhang Jiaohua was very willing.

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